Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Report That Examines The Role Of Expert And Lay Knowledge In Understanding And Managing Risk

This report is going to examine how risks we face in our daily lives rely on different forms of knowledge to create an understanding of them and their consequences. This report will examine how people use expert and lay knowledge about risks in order to live with them. A brief description of risk is provided. The discussion focuses on how we live with risk and interpret expert and lay knowledge regarding risk and risk avoidance. It is also suggested that people make their own choice as to what and how they use information and to what degree of risk they consider acceptable in their lives. This is influenced by the knowledge they have and how they interpret that. Clearly an expert will be in a stronger position to accurately assess risk compared to a lay person. 1. Expert Knowledge – someone that has knowledge, skill and is qualified in a particular subject. 2. Lay Knowledge – someone who does not have specialized knowledge or training in a subject. This report will examine three examples of risk and will detail not only expert information but it will review lay opinion as well. 1. Firstly the cycling and the benefits of wearing helmet will be assessed. 2. Then a case study that detailed an allotment and the hazardous substances found in the soil. 3. The last risk to be observed will be sun exposure, sun tanning and risks and how consumerism can play apart in forming our choices. 1. Our Risky Lives 1. Risk – a state in which there is a possibility of known danger or harm, which if avoided may lead to benefits (Carter and Jordan, 2009). Almost everything we do in life comes with some degree of risk. It is how we interpret the risk that determines how we live. Some risk is taken without thinking, some risk is unavoidable, and in other cases we can reduce the risk or avoid the risk all together. 1. Cycling and the benefits of wearing a helmet Cycling will introduce the idea of risks and risk management in our material lives. Cyclists manage their risk with lights, occasional hand signals and helmets. Cyclists have to negotiate the use of the helmet, whether or not to wear one but not doing so means any injury sustained may be the cyclist’s own fault. One study shown 85 per cent reduction in the risk of head injury among cyclists who wore helmets (Thompson et al., cited in Carter and Jordan, 2009). Other research found that, when car overtakes a cyclist, the car comes significantly closer to a cyclist who wears a helmet (Walker, cited in Carter and Jordan, 2009). Taking both studies into account seems to suggest that if you wear a helmet then you are more likely to have an accident but if you have an accident then you are less likely to have head injuries. 1. Hazardous substances found in the soil Soil on an allotment will show how knowledge of an invisible risk is produced by experts but can be contested and how the allotment users used knowledge to manage the risks. The benefits of a social activity such as gardening were suddenly brought into question by publication of a scientific test on the soil. The material environment changed from being good into something that was dangerous. The soil was safe then became poisonous and then become safe again, all without the soil itself being changed. The existence of two soil tests confirms that even within science there are debates over how best to assess risk. In the case study, the same soil shifted from being safe to dangerous and back again solely as a result of different measurement practices (Carter and Jordan, 2009). This shows how the expert knowledge may or may not influence the decisions people make about managing risk. Gardener did not listen to expert knowledge about safe soil, because two contrasting results of the tests did not feel quite trustworthy. 1. Sun Exposure and expert knowledge of sun risk The last risk to be assessed will be sun exposure and sun tanning and risks. Increasingly over the last number of years dangers of sun exposure and tanning have come to the fore. Even though advice and evidence which has been produced people still continue to expose themselves to the harmful UVA rays. In this section we can look at a second case study of risk and risk management concerning holidaymakers and their attitudes to a tan. To understand the apparently risky practices connected with sun exposure we have to take seriously the ways in which people make sense of expert advice, and measure it against their own knowledge and experiences of the material world in which they live (Carter and   Jordan, 2009). The research conducted by Simon Carter used a mixture of interviews and focus groups with tourist aged 20 and 35 years of age who regularly travelled abroad for holidays. The first thing that this search found was that people could recall health education advice by seeking shade, using a sunscreen or covering the body. People knew what the expert advice said about the dangers of sun. However, people did not fully follow this advice because they had their own ways of understanding and making sense of the healthy and risky elements of their material lives. The knowledge produced by experts was different from that produced by holidaymakers. This distinction between expert and lay knowledge meant that expert knowledge was interpreted rather than followed to the letter by the public (Carter and Jordan, 2009). The expert knowledge does not straightforwardly determine public opinion. 1. Lay knowledge of symbolic risk The effects that the sun has on the body are both a source of material risk, from cancers, and of symbolic risk, such as being peely-wally (Carter and Jordan, 2009). Suntan became a material sign or symbol that is for the visual consumption of other tourists. 1. Beck’s thesis . The examples of sun exposure and of poisoned soil demonstrate how we may have entered into a particular kind of relationship to risk in society today. German sociologist Ulrich Beck examined the move from the Industrial Society in which political deliberations where concerns with the distribution of wealth to a Risk Society that focuses on the distribution of harm (cited in Carter and Jordan, 2009 p. 80). Beck also argues that we have become dependent on external information usually expert knowledge to assess the risks we face, instead of using personal experience or common sense. For example, the allotment holders could not determine the risks contained in their soil, they were told about potential danger by scientific experts. Similarly, the possible risk from sun exposure has to be made clear to people by expert evidence. One of Beck’s main concerns is the role of expert knowledge in defining the risks, whether that risk is nuclear radiation, arsenic in the soil or the sun. 1. Conclusion In modern society much more effort is being put into measuring risk. Experts aim to examine potential hazards and produce evidence that will allow us to make informed decisions. Assessing risk often relies on science and expertise. These are practices which involve choices and assumptions that can create debate. A risk society is one in which calculations of risk become increasingly prominent. Many modern risks are invisible and need experts to make them visible to the public.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


The first party is the patient, second party is physician, and third party Is the health plan. 2. Compare the LACK and CPRM payment systems. I-JAR and CPRM are based on data from past claims. Private Insurance companies used OCCUR method, and Medicare used CPRM. 3. Describe the two purposes of managed care. The purpose for managed care plans are to reduce the costs of healthcare for which the third-party payer must reimburse the providers and to ensure continuing quality f care. . Why have many insurers replaced retrospective health Insurance plan with group plans such as Homo's and Poop's? To help control the cost, with Homos you have a fixed rate for the coverage you received for medical care and with POS you have a primary care provider that manages your healthcare and quality of the healthcare you receive. Both Homos and POS have a prepaid health plan and physicians that are under contract with an organization. 5. What are advantages of 1.Insurers pool premium payment for all the insured in a group, then use actuarial data to calculate the group's premiums so that: B. The pool is large enough to pay losses of the entire group. 2. Where and when did health insurance become established in the United States. It became established in 1929, when Blue Cross first covered school teachers in Texas. 3. All of the following are types of episode-of-care reimbursement except: Self- insured plan 4. What discounted fee schedule does Medicare use to reimburse physicians?Resource-based relative value scale REVS 5. Name and describe some versions of the global payment method. Home care services reimbursement By Giovanni is the patient, second party is physician, and third party is the health plan. 2. Compare the CUR and CPRM payment systems. CUR and CPRM are based on data from past claims. Private insurance companies used CUR method, and Medicare used CPRM.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Why are Hollywood movies so popular Do you think Hollywood movies are Essay

Why are Hollywood movies so popular Do you think Hollywood movies are the representation of US imperialism Or the representation of universal values - Essay Example It is suggested that undeveloped societies subscribe to value systems and institutions that hinder the development process. (Van) The modernization first appeared in the 1950s, even raised in the 1990s.It has grown significantly making the world a global village. With the presence of the members of the fourth estate. The 1960’s saw a great push for social change. Movies during this time focused on fun, fashion, rock n’ roll, societal shifts like the civil rights movements, and transitions in cultural values. It was also a time of change in the world’s perception of America and its culture, largely influenced by the Vietnam War and continuous shifts in governmental power. The modernization theory explain how society progresses through the adaption of new technologies, economic growth, improvement in living standards and infrastructural development, literacy and cultural development, national identity development. (Anonymous) Historically, the legend of Hollywood began in the early 20th century and it has become an earmark of modern American society rich in history, innovation and technological advancement. The origin of movies and motion pictures began in the late 1800’s, with the invention of â€Å"motion toys† designed to trick the eye into seeing an illusion of motion from a display of still frames. This revealed a significant use of technology. According to the modernization theory, there was greater shift in the social change that was brought by the advancement in technology. By the end of the 1980’s, it was generally recognized that films of that time were intended for audiences who sought simple entertainment, as most pictures were unoriginal and formulaic. (Anonymous) Therefore, many studios sought to capitalize on advancements in special effects technology, instead of taking risks on experimental or thought-provoking concepts VCR’s were still popular at this time, and profits from video rentals were higher than the sales of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Functional and non-functional requirements in Software development Essay

Functional and non-functional requirements in Software development - Essay Example This involves the set of actions that clarify what exactly a particular system has to do. On the other hand, non-functional requirements engross the system constraints that define how it will do the functional requirements. It acts as a criterion for elaborating the performance of a particular system (Yang, 2010). The functional and non-functional requirements of any system always have a huge effect on the development life cycle. To be precise, all through the development life cycle of a system, functional requirements as the main subject of concern in each phase (Mishra & Mohanty, 2012). Right from the first phase, requirements analysis, to, maintenance phase, functional requirements act as the basis for each phase. That is, each phase, must ensure that the predefined functional requirements satisfy what the user is expected to get from the system. In this sense, functional requirements always define the amount of time to be spent in the system development life cycle (Shelly & Rosenblatt, 2012). A crucial example of functional requirements is, adding a new order into a web-based order entry system. This functionality requires a number of key attributes to be defined and they include, order name, its identification, time it was processed among others as stipulated in the requirements analysis phase. Therefore, as soon as this functional requirement is defined, then, throughout the development life cycle the developer must ensure that its features are perfectly satisfied until a final output product is delivered (Milanovic, 2011). One of the major non-functional requirements is efficiency. As stipulated earlier, non-functional requirements include the constraints that will elaborate how a system is to meet the pre defined functional requirements. To the development life cycle, efficiency depends on the outputs of the functional requirements. In this sense, non-functional requirements have very little effect

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Dangers of SPAM Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Dangers of SPAM - Research Paper Example They even explained an abbreviation for the respective concept that is Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE). 2. Overview of Spam 2.1 Origin of Spam Fletcher stated that the first act of spam is considered to have taken place in 1978 when Gary Turk sent email messages to 400 people via the ARPANET; the purpose of the email was to promote his latest computing invention. Later, the term ‘spam’ originated from a Monty Python sketch that included few individuals singing the brand name of a canned meat ‘spam’ in a cafeteria in the 1980s. This is the instance after which the word became common and started being used other than the name of the brand. One of the most notorious initial spamming activities was initiated by two lawyers, Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel. They sent emails to around 6000 recipients to advertise their services for Green Card processing. Their actions were highly resented and were replied with hate emails from the recipients. The concept of spammin g caught on after the initial acts of resistance and became common from the late 1990s. According to Fletcher, the concept has intervened so deeply into the internet that it comprises of almost 78% emails from a total of 210 billion emails everyday around the world. Spammers have always managed to find their way around the spam filters and other detection software as they have learned the strategies and mechanics that are adopted by such software. Figure 1: Frequency of spam emails in different countries (Humphries) 2.2 Historical Approaches to End Spam Due to the absence of sophisticated spam filters in 1990s, simple techniques were used to fight spam. Zdziarski explained some of them in the following manner: Primitive Language Analysis: The messages were scanned for certain phrases like â€Å"Call Now†, â€Å"Free Trial† etc to find spam emails. This technique identified the spam messages on the basis of its content. Blacklisting: Paul Vixie devised a mechanism in wh ich the spammers were maintained in a list and the users were given the opportunity to ignore messages from them. This technique identified the spam messages on the basis of the origin and sender. 3. Types of Spam There are numerous types of spam prevailing on the web in the current times, some of the most common ones are: 3.1 Email Spam Bowers, Harnett and Edwards stated that email spam is used to advertise different products and services to a large segment of consumers by sending bulk emails. Numerous types of products and services are included in this category, such as financial services, products, health services, travel promotions etc. Many email spam are also sent with the aim of acquiring personal information of the users to pursue different kinds of fraudulent activities; such attempts are known as ‘phishing’. 3.2 Text Messages Spam Spamming activities also prevail on the wireless communication technology of cell phones. This medium often proves to cost the reci pient some amount if his package charges for the incoming of the text messages. Cell phone users suffer similar type of spam as the internet users, such as promotion of products and services and attempted scams. However, in the category of text messages, the recipient also receives lot of spam from the telecom service providers themselves in the form of promoting their latest campaigns. This might

Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Immigration - Essay Example With terrorism a recurring threat in the country, the United States has enacted a number of immigration policies that some individuals argue infringe on the core values of the country. This essay considers the complex elements of United States immigration policy in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks and the United States economic structure and argues that immigration and must continue to remain core values of America. National security depends on the U.S. taking immigration standards seriously. Some policy makers want to shut down or limit the borders because they fear what happened on September 11th. They should reflect though upon what happened on September 12th, as the nation joined together and mourned the loss together. Regardless of where individuals have all come from, America is their home. America cannot be on lockdown because they fear a terrorist strike. The United States is vulnerable. The government cannot guarantee protection to 300,000,000 people at all times. If the United States knows who is entering the country at all times along with what their goals are, they could all sleep a little more soundly at night. The majority of the American population believes the country’s immigration policy is too lenient. Ewing notes, â€Å"†¦a solid eighty percent of Americans polled by CBS- New York Times after the trade center bombings agreed that it is too easy for foreigners to enter the U.S†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . People believe American officials are not policing the borders, yet amnesty has been discussed as a way to remedy this immigration concern. They also believe they are not keeping up on expired visas and adequate background checks are not in place to ensure that we they are letting in people that will enhance society. The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) (2005, pg. iv) notes, â€Å"†¦the great American â€Å"melting pot† has begun to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Hedge Fund Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Hedge Fund Industry - Essay Example This can be used for both short and long term investments. Unlike mutual funds, however, hedge funds typically take long and short positions in assets to lower portfolio risk arising from broad market movements. A hedge fund may take long positions in certain stocks, and short positions in other stocks, the portfolio beta of which is close to zero. A beta close to zero implies that the portfolio will remain relatively unchanged due to the broad market movement. Such a portfolio will primarily change if the stocks move more than the broad market. In the U.S., laws require that the majority of investors in the fund beaccredited. That is, theymust earn a minimum amount of moneyannually and have a net worth ofmore than$1 million, along with a significant amountof investment knowledge. (Hedge Fund. 2008). In both rising and falling equity and bond markets hedge fund strategies tend to have the ability to generate positive returns. Since it is a balanced portfolio it helps to reduce overall portfolio risk and volatility and, therefore, has the potential for increased returns. Hedge funds also have an advantage over other options of investment as it offers investors a wide variety of choices in Hedge fund strategies that can be tailor made to suit the investment objective of individual customers. The fact that hedge funds have higher returns and lower overall risk than traditional investment funds has been proved beyond doubt through academic research. Moreover, this platform provides an ideal long-term investment solution, eliminating the concept of correct time entry and exit from markets. Adding hedge funds to an investment portfolio provides diversification which is otherwise not available in traditional modes of investments. The aspiration of the prospective employee Mr.X. Mr.X is undergoing a graduate course in commerce. His father Mr Y had remained employed in the insurance business, and wanted his son to toe in the same line. Mr.X however, had different ambitions. He weighed the pros and cons of joining the hedge fund industry as well as the insurance sector. He sought the advice of different consultants in the field who gave him the necessary information. He found out that the hedge fund industry was more lucrative and he chose this as his career option. Initially he thought that an undergraduate course in commerce would give him the necessary inputs. When he completed more than half the course content, he realised that he will not able to pursue a career in hedge fund with the knowledge gained from this course alone. He came to know about a large variety of job oriented course relating to hedge fund. So, in the final semester, he pursued a part-time certificate course in hedge fund. Again, he realised that there was a gap between theory and practi ce. Thus, in order to receive some practical experience, he underwent an internship with a practitioner in hedge fund consultation. Human Capital Theory: Human capital refers to the stock of productive skills and technical knowledge embodied in the labour free of an organisation. Economists consider human capital as one of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

International Business Finance Report Research Paper

International Business Finance Report - Research Paper Example Most of the green building material firms in China and high-end architecture designs are widely influenced by foreign players, who account for approximately 30% of the whole market share within the republic (EU SME Centre, 2013). Among the 200 leading international companies dealing with green building materials, over 140 have already invested in the Chinese market. For instance, in the 2008 Olympic competition, nearly 121 organizations participated in designing of all the athletic stadiums, 74 of which were either overseas or foreign-owned (EU SME Centre, 2013). Moreover, key global engineering consultancies have their branches in China, participating in numerous large-scale projects nationally. Besides foreign organizations, Chinese firms, particularly the ones with government support, are powerful players in the market, towards realizing large-scale government projects. Relating to building materials, the organization is likely to face stiff competition from foreign firms. Nevertheless, there are more local Chinese producers utilizing the price benefits in the market, even though the standard is relatively low. OzGreen should brace itself for a stiff competition in the Chinese market. As a consolation, the market is still big enough to get a share of the cake (EU SME Centre, 2013). Some of the most establish green building material firms in China include Hunter Douglas, an international firm which boasts of building and furnishing the red skin for the Chinese Pavilion at the Shanghai 2010 international Expo. Philips is also one of the key players in the market, having developed a sustainable lighting design and supply for Guangzhou Tower. Another likely competitor is OMA, which came up with the CCTV building in the heart of Beijing. Finally, we have Soeters and Grontmij, which recently won the contest of Wuhan New Energy Centre. The centre will be the most energy efficient tower in the planet (EU SME Centre, 2013). The building of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Strategic Corporate Finance. All about IPOs Essay

Strategic Corporate Finance. All about IPOs - Essay Example Another option is to raise capital from the public. A corporation is a legal entity separate from the lives of its owners and if conditions are favorable, it can raise capital through an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in the equity market or alternatively through issuing bonds in the debt market. Obviously the public response would depend on the viability of the company, its future prospects and line of business, as well as the reputation and business acumen of its management. Types of IPOs, Advantages & Risks Generally speaking, at the present time there are two options as to how an IPO can be made. The first, as indicated above, is to make a public offering so that all interested investors can read the prospectus and apply for the shares through the stock market. However nowadays things are a little bit more complicated as the IPO is usually conducted by investment banking firms in return for commissions and fees. One of them acts as an underwriter, guaranteeing to take up all share s not applied for. This helps the company raise the required capital regardless of the amount of public response. An underwriting fee is charged as per agreement made with the IPO company. With the large size of corporate entities and the phenomenal sums involved in share flotation, it is not surprising that there could be a number of investment firms involved in the IPO process and they then direct the flow of ownership to popular and moneyed entities so that initial funds to the firm are ensured. However this could lead to lack of diverse ownerships and control problems in later years. The second option in vogue today- and that chosen by Google and Morning Star- is to raise initial capital through an open auction process. As can be imagined, almost anyone interested in bidding can do so by applying for the minimum amount of shares offered in a lot. This can truly diversify ownership as there is no telling who will make a bid for shares (Carter, 2005). It is then up to the registra r to decide who gets the final allotment of shares. However a competitor or an unscrupulous individual or firm may also get hold of a sizeable number of shares this way, so it sometimes makes sense to use the services of investment banks. It could cost a little more to organize road shows, seminars and the like to get people interested, but in the long run more diverse ownership in the hands of the public is guaranteed. It also leads to greater liquidity and the company may not have to resort to stock splits later to dilute values and promote marketability and capitalization (Rao, 2011). A Brief History of Avaya Avaya is a spinoff of Lucent Technologies. Lucent Technologies is itself a spinoff from AT&T. Alcatel-Lucent is the parent company of Bell Laboratories, and like Bell, Avaya is also involved in providing networking, communications and information technology solutions to its worldwide customers. It is considered by experts to be a world leader in hardware maintenance, enterpr ise messaging, range audio conferencing, operating a contact center and using Unified Communications and Enterprise Telephony. The company was created in 2000. It is headquartered in New Jersey, USA. Avaya has offices in 145 countries (Avaya Group, 2011). Since its creation, Avaya has successfully bid for a number of companies such as Tenovis, Nortel, Ubiquity Systems, Sipera Systems and Aurix. The company is at present privately owned by TPG Capital and Silver Lake Partners, who acquired it on 26 October 2007 for $8.2

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Planning Idea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Planning Idea - Essay Example The main feature in planning is continuous communication. The planning process is vast and combines other fields such as economics, environment, and engineering (Fincher and Iverson 5). This paper will explore the issue of urban planning and discuss planning theories. Planning involves both policy and physical planning. When planning, social and cultural influences should also be considered and coordinated. The planning theory contributes to the development of planning practices in three ways. One is the philosophical way that involves planners’ involvement in the planning practice. The second is the adaption way which includes the factors that affect or limit planning practices like time and complexity of the plan (Hall 4). The third one is the translation way that incorporates skills, ideas and knowledge from different fields into the plan. There are four types of planning theories. Planning theory is based on practical experience and has its focus on a particular society or nation. Theory two proposes planning strategies to planners which they can use while making or assisting in plan decisions. Third is the theory that focuses on the subjects and objects of the plan. The fourth theory incorporates all the three theories of planning and explains the details of planning practice. The planning theory continues to play a vital role of evolving in response to the dynamic societal needs (Friend and Hickling 3). Urban planning theory has faced criticism from academics and practitioners as being confused and impractical. Planning functions have played a crucial role in response to the ever changing society needs and requirements. Many planning theories had neglected the interest of environmental conservation. They had ignored the public interest and produced unsatisfying results. They have neglected the importance of diversity and environment conservation. My personal theory will take into

Monday, July 22, 2019

The plays Miss Julie Essay Example for Free

The plays Miss Julie Essay The plays Miss Julie, August Strindberg, 1888 and A Dolls House, Henrik Ibsen, 1879 are two plays with a variety of themes and different views of life. But both plays have women as their major characters: Julie and Nora Helmer. The role of women in both plays is shown to be different. In Miss Julie, Strindberg shows women as inferior in society, as he believed that they were a secondary form of humans. In A Dolls House, at first, we think that Nora is a typical innocent wife. This leads Ibsen to relate women seen by society, as wives, mothers, and working at home. Ibsen wants to reinforce the subordination of the role of women to show the need for changes. A comparative study will be made of the lives of these two women and the role they occupy in each play. Julie is the mistress of the house, with Jean, the valet and Kristin, the cook. All the events and problems happening in the play could be a result of certain circumstances: first, her feminist mothers primary instincts about men made her disgusted and horrified about them. The absence of her father leads to an incomplete rising of herself. She had just broken off her engagement and her ex-fianci had an influence on her depravation. Also, it was in Midsummer Eve, she was in her period; she loved dancing, and was influenced by the flowers. Julie starts as superior to Jean in terms of class, as she is from an aristocratic family and Jean is her fathers servant. She manipulates him in the start: Supposing I order you to Julie (pg 81), Ill obey Jean (pg 81). Miss Julie starts making advances to Jean, who becomes worried about her reputation, becomes wild calling him to dance, and he ends up conquering her sexually. Jean thought that having sex with her would probably help him to better his social status, but he discovers she is penniless and so desists. Jean at first was in love with Julie, idealizes her at the start but once he had had her, he starts to degrade Julie. Julie becomes a sick woman, suffering from hysteria and feminine masochism, Julie had the desire to fall and be dominated by a man. Now Julie was totally dependent upon Jean. Jean was superior to Julie in terms of morality as he was a man and she was a degenerate woman. Strindberg wants to show that Jeans power over Julie is not because of the fact that he is rising socially but only because he is a man. This shows how maleness is a sign of superior status. Julie suffers a severe depression and humiliation as the sexual affair with Jean pushed her to the edge. Julie degrades herself when taking the initiative and sleeping with Jean, places herself beneath his level, destroyed the image of the woman.

Emergency Response Plan Essay Example for Free

Emergency Response Plan Essay The rationale for an emergency response plan on a construction site is to have a well organized plan of action in place to be prepared to immediately respond to various types of emergencies. The environment of construction sites can change constantly which is why it’s important to plan carefully before projects begin and make adjustments if necessary. As our text states, preparation involves planning, practicing, evaluation and adjusting to specific circumstances (Goetsch, 2003). Proper preparation and response helps the situation to be quickly controlled and could prevent panic, decrease the possibility of injury, death and damage. The Emergency planning and community Right to Know Act provides information about hazardous chemicals available to a community where they are being used so residents can protect themselves in case of an emergency. The Emergency planning and community Right to Know Act has four components that include: emergency planning, emergency notification, toxic chemical release reporting and information requirements. There must be one person in charge and everyone involved must know that person is. There should be a designated person or people trained to administer first aid and first aid kits should be stocked and readily available. An emergency action plan (EAP) should include various plans for each anticipated emergency, that should include the following components: procedures, coordination, assignments and responsibilities, accident prevention strategies and schedules. They should be customized by location and should include a map, organizational chart, local coordination information and local training schedules. There should be an emergency response team (ERT) to handle general and localized emergencies, facilitate evacuations and shutdowns, protect and salvage company property and work with local authorities. There should also be a trauma response team (TRT) should consist of health and safety personnel who have had special training or credentialed counseling to help employees with what they have experienced after being involved in an emergency situation. TRTs are able to recognize symptoms of employees who need professional care and refer them to qualified care providers (Goetsch, 2003). Works Cited Goetsch, D. L. (2003). Construction Safety and Health. Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson Ed,

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Indo-china War: An Overview

The Indo-china War: An Overview The Indo-China War, also known as the Sino-Indian Border Conflict, was a war between China and india that occurred in 1962. A disputed Himalayan border was the main pretext for war, but other issues played a role. There had been a series of violent border incidents after the 1959 tibetan uprising, when India had granted asylum to thedalai lama. Under a Forward Policy, India placed outposts along the border, including several north of the MacMahon Line, the eastern portion of a Line of actual Control proclaimed by Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in 1959. The Chinese launched simultaneous offensives in ladakh and across the McMahon Line on 20 October 1962, coinciding with the Cuban missile crises. Chinese troops advanced over Indian forces in both theaters, capturing rezang la in chushul in the western theater, as well as tawang in the eastern theater. The war ended when the Chinese declared aceasefire on 20 November 1962, and later withdrew from the disputed area. The Sino-Indian War is notable for the harsh conditions under which much of the fighting took place, entailling large-scale combat at altitudes of over 4,250 metres (14,000 feet). This presented enormous logistics problems for both sides. The Sino-Indian War was also noted for the non-deployment of navy or air force by either the Chinese and Indian sides. Location China and India share a long border, sectioned into three stretches by Nepal and Bhutan, which follows the Himalaya mountains between Burma and what was then West pakistan. A number of disputed regions lie along this border. At its western end is the Aksai chin region, an area the size of Switzerland, that sits between the Chinese autonomous region of Xingjiang, and Tibet (which China declared as autonomous regions in 1965). The eastern border, between Burma and Bhutan, comprises the present Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh (formerly the North East Frontier agency). Both of these regions were overrun by China in the 1962 conflict. Most combat took place at high altitudes. The Aksai chin region is a vast desert of salt flats around 5,000 metres above sea level, and Arunachal Pradesh is extremely mountainous with a number of peaks exceeding 7000 metres. According to military doctrine, to be successful an attacker generally requires a 3:1 ratio of numerical superiority over the defender; inmoutain warfare this ratio should be considerably higher as the terrain favours defense.China was able to take advantage of this: the Chinese Army had possession of the highest ridges in the regions. The high altitude and freezing conditions also cause logistical and welfare difficulties; in past similar conflicts (such as the Italian Campaign of World war I) more casualties have been caused by the harsh conditions than enemy action. The Sino-Indian War was no different, with many troops on both sides dying in the freezing cold. Background Pre-Simla British map published in 1909 shows the so called Outer Line as Indias northern boundary.The cause of the war was a dispute over the sovereignty of the widely-separated Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh border regions. Aksai Chin, claimed by India to belong to kashmir and by China to be part of Xinjiang, contains an important road link that connects the Chinese regions of Tibet and Xinjiang. Chinas construction of this road was one of the triggers of the conflict. Arunachal Pradesh (called South Tibet by China) is also claimed by both nations—although it is roughly the size of Austria, it is sparsely inhabited (by numerous local tribes) due to its mountainous terrain .The Indian state Arunachal Pradesh has a population of over one million as of today. The Johnson Line The western portion of the Sino-Indian boundary originates in 1834, with the Sikh Confederations conquest of ladakh. In 1842 the Sikh Confederacy, which at the time ruled over much of Northen India (including the frontier regions of jammu and Kashmir), signed a treaty which guaranteed the integrity of its existing borders with its neighbours. The British defeat of the Sikhs in 1846 resulted in transfer of sovereignty over ladakh, part of the Jammu and Kashmir region, to the British, and British commissioners contacted Chinese officials to negotiate the border. The boundaries at its two extremities, Pangong lake and Karakoram Pass, were well-defined, but the Aksai Chin area in between lay undefined. In 1865, British surveyor W H Johnson came to an agreement with the Maharaja of Kashmir, in whose service he was employed, on a proposed Johnson Line which placed Aksai Chin in Kashmir. China rejected the arrangement, and the British government also harboured doubts, so decided to take up the issue in an attempt to reach a settlement. However in 1892, before the issue had been resolved, China erected boundary markers at Karakoram Pass on the ancient caravan route between Xinjiang and Ladakh (which were disputed by the British Indian Government). Throughout most of the 19th century Great Britain and the expanding Russian Empire were jockeying for influence in Central asia, and Britain decided to hand over Aksai Chin to Chinese administration as a buffer against Russian invasion. The newly-created border was known as the MacCartney-MacDonald Line, and both British-controlled India and China now began to show Aksai Chin as Chinese. In 1911 the xinhai revolution resulted in power shifts in China, and by 1918 (in the wake of the Russian Bolshevik revolution) the British no longer saw merit in Chinas continuing possession of the region. On British maps the border was redrawn as the original Johnson Line, but despite this reversion the new border was left unmanned and undemarcated. According to Neville maxwell, the British had used as many as 11 different boundary lines in the region, as their claims shifted with the political situation. By the time of Indian independence in 1947, the Johnson Line had become Indias official western boundary. On 1 July 1954, Indian Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru definitively stated the Indian position. He claimed that Aksai Chin had been part of the Indian ladakh region for centuries, and that the border (as defined by the Johnson Line) was non-negotiable. According to George N. Patterson, when the Indian government finally produced a report detailing the alleged proof of Indias claims to the disputed area, the quality of the Indian evidence was very poor, including some very dubious sources indeed. During the 1950s, China constructed a road through Aksai Chin, connecting Xinjiang and Tibet, which ran south of the Johnson Line in many places. Aksai Chin was easily accessible to the Chinese, but access from India, which meant negotiating the Karakoram moutains, was more problematic. Consequently India did not even learn of the existence of the road until 1957 — finally confirmed when the road was shown in Chinese maps published the following year. The McMahon Line In 1826 India and China gained a common border, including the area of what is now called Myanmar, following British annexations in the Anglo Burmes Wars. In 1847, Major J. Jenkins, Agent for the North East Frontier, reported that the Tawang was part of Tibet. In 1872, four monastic officials from Tibet arrived in Tawang and supervised a boundary settlement with Major R. Graham, NEFA official, which included the Tawang Tract as part of Tibet. Thus, in the last half of the 19th century, it was clear that the British treated the Tawang Tract as part of Tibet. This boundary was confirmed in a June 1, 1912 note from the British General Staff in India, stating that the present boundary (demarcated) is south of Tawang, running westwards along the foothills from near Ugalguri to the southern Bhutanese border. A 1908 map of The Province of Eastern Bengal and Assam (32 miles to the inch), prepared for the Foreign Department of the Government of India, showed the international boundary from Bhu tan continuing to the Baroi River, following the Himalayas foothill alignment. In 1913, representatives of Great Britain, China and Tibet attended a conference in simla regarding the borders between Tibet, China and British India. Whilst all three representatives initialed the agreement, Beijing later objected to the proposed boundary between the regions of Outer Tibet and Inner Tibet and did not ratify it. The details of the Indo-Tibetan boundary was not revealed to China at the time. The foreign secretary of the British Indian government, Henry McMahon, who drew up the proposal, decided to bypass the Chinese (although instructed not to by his superiors) and settle the border bilaterally by negotiating directly with Tibet. According to later Indian claims, this border was intended to run through the highest ridges of the Himalayas, as the areas south of the Himalayas were traditionally Indian. However, the McMahon Line lay south of the boundary India claims. Indias government held the view that the Himalayas were the ancient boundaries of the Indian Subcontinent, and thus should be the modern boundaries of India. while it is the position of the Chinese government that the disputed area in the Himalayas have been geographically and culturally part of Tibet since ancient times. Months after the simla Agreement, China set up boundary markers south of the McMahon Line. TOCallaghan, an official in the Eastern Sector of the on North east frontier, relocated all these markers to a location slightly south of the McMahon Line, and then visited Rima to confirm with Tibetan officials that there was no Chinese influence in the area. The British-run Government of India initially rejected the Simla Agreement as incompatible with the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907, which stipulated that neither party was to negotiate with Tibet except through the intermediary of the Chinese government. The British and Russians cancelled the 1907 agreement by joint consent in 1921. It was not until the late 1930s that the British started to use the McMahon Line on official maps of the region. China took the position that the Tibetan government should not have been allowed to make a such a treaty, rejecting Tibets claims of independent rule. For its part, Tibet did not object to any section of the McMahon Line excepting the demarcation of the trading town of Tawang, which the Line placed under British-Indian jurisdiction. However, up until World War II, Tibetan officials were allowed to administer Tawang with complete authority. Due to the increased threat of Japanese and Chinese expansion during this period, British Indian troops secured the town as part of the defense of Indias eastern border. In the 1950s India began actively patrolling the region. It found that, at multiple locations, the highest ridges actually fell north of the McMahon Line. Given Indias historic position that the original intent of the Line was to separate the two nations by the highest mountains in the world, in these locations India extended its forward posts northward to the ridges, regarding this move as compliant with the original border proposal, although the Simla Convention did not explicitly state this intention. On Oct. 29, 2008, david Miliband, the British foreign secretary, announced that the previous British actions including the Simla Accord (1913) and thus the McMahon line had been an anachronism and a colonial legacy. He apologized to China for not having renounced those actions earlier. He was supported by Chris Patten, the last British governor of Hong Kong, who called the British position embodied in the Simla Accord(1913) a quaint eccentricity. Events leading up to war Tibet controversy The 1940s saw huge change in South Asia with the Partition of india in 1947 (resulting in the establishment of the two new states of india and pakistan), and the establishment of the peoples Replic of china in 1949. One of the most basic policies for the new Indian government was that of maintaining cordial relations with China, reviving its ancient friendly ties. India was among the first nations to grant diplomatic recognition to the newly-created PRC. At the time, Chinese officials issued no condemnation of Nehrus claims or made any opposition to Nehrus open declarations of control over Aksai Chin. In 1956,Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai stated that he had no claims over Indian controlled territory. He later argued that Aksai Chin was already under Chinese jurisdiction, implying that there was therefore no contradiction with his earlier statement since China did not regard the region as Indian controlled, and that since the British hand-over China had regarded the McCartney MacDonald Line as the relevant border. Zhou later argued that as the boundary was undemarcated and had never been defined by treaty between any Chinese or Indian government, the Indian government could not unilaterally define Aksai Chins borders. However, within a short time the PRC announced its intention to reclaim Tibet from the British, and later extended its influence by placing border posts within the Indian-claimed territory of aksai Chin. India protested against these moves and decided to look for a diplomatic solution to ensure a stable Sino-Indian border. To resolve any doubts about the Indian position, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru declared in parliament that India regarded the McMahon Line as its official border. The Chinese expressed no concern at this statement, and in 1951 and 52, the government of China asserted that there were no frontier issues to be taken up with India. The Indian governments 1950 maps show the Sino-Indian border using undemarcated lines and the Aksai chin frontier is labeled boundary undefined. The Indian governments 1954 maps unilaterally delimited the Sino-Indian border in the Aksai chin,and Sino-Indian borders are no longer indicated as undemarcated. In 1954, Prime Minister Nehru wrote a memo calling for Indias borders to be clearly defined and demarcated: in line with previous Indian philosophy, Indian maps showed a border that, in some places, lay north of the McMahon Line. Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, in November 1956, again repeated Chinese assurances that the Peoples Republic had no claims on Indian territory, although official Chinese maps showed 120,000 square kilometres of territory claimed by India as Chinese.CIA documents created at the time revealed that Nehru had ignored Burmese premier Ba Swe when he warned Nehru to be cautious when dealing with Zhou. They also allege that Zhou purposefully told Nehru that there were no border issues with India. In 1950 the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army invaded tibet. Four years later, in 1954, China and India negotiated the Five Principles of Peaseful Coexistence by which the two nations agreed to abide in settling their disputes. India presented a frontier map which was accepted by China, and the Indian government under Prime Minister Nehru promoted the slogan Hindi-Chini bhai-bhai (Indians and Chinese are brothers). According to Georgia tech political analyst John W Garver, Nehrus policy on Tibet was to create a strong Sino-Indian partnership which would be catalyzed through agreement and compromise on Tibet. Garver believes that Nehrus previous actions had given him confidence that China would be ready to form an Asian Axis with India. This apparent progress in relations suffered a major setback when, in 1959, Nehru accommodated the Tibetan religious leader, the Dalai Lama, who was fleeing Lhasa after a failed Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule. The Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, MaoZedong, was enraged and asked the Xinhua news agency to produce reports on Indian expansionists operating in Tibet. Border incidents continued through this period. In August 1959, the PLA took an Indian prisoner at Longju, which had an ambiguous position in the McMahon Line, and two months later in Aksai Chin a clash led to the death of nine Indian frontier policemen. On 2 October, Soviet Premier Nikita khrushchev defended Nehru in a meeting with Mao. This action reinforced Chinas impression that the Soviet Union, the United States and India all had expansionist designs over China. The PLA (Peoples Liberation Army) went so far as to prepare a self-defensive counterattack plan. Negotiations were restarted between the nations, but no progress was made. As a consequence of their non-recognition of the McMahon Line, Chinas maps showed both the North East Frontier Area (NEFA) and Aksai Chin to be Chinese territory. In 1960, Zhou Enlai unofficially suggested that India drop its claims to Aksai Chin in return for a Chinese withdrawal of claims over NEFA. Adhering to his stated position, Nehru believed that China did not have a legitimate claim over either of these territories, and thus was not ready to concede them. This adamance was perceived in China as Indian opposition to Chinese rule in Tibet. Nehru declined to conduct any negotiations on the boundary until Chinese troops withdrew from Aksai Chin; a position supported by the international community. India produced numerous reports on the negotiations, and translated Chinese reports into English to help inform the international debate. China believed that India was simply securing its claim lines in order to continue its grand plans in Tibet.[2] Indias stance that China withdraw fro m Aksai Chin caused continual deterioration of the diplomatic situation to the point at which internal forces were pressurizing Nehru to take a military stance against China. The Forward Policy At the beginning of 1961, Nehru appointed General B M Kaul as army Chief of General Staff, but he refused to increase military spending and prepare for a possible war. That summer, Chinas continuing patrols south of the McMahon Line provoked an Indian response known as the Forward Policy. According to James Barnard Calvin of the U.S. Navy, in 1959, India started sending Indian troops and border patrols into disputed areas. This program created both skirmishes and deteriorating relations between India and China.The aim of this policy was to create outposts behind advancing Chinese troops to inderdict their supplies, forcing their return to China. There were eventually 60 such outposts, including 43 north of the McMahon Line. China viewed this as further confirmation of Indian expansionist plans directed towards Tibet. According to the Indian official history, implementation of the Forward Policy was intended to provide evidence of Indian occupation in the previously unoccupied region through which Chinese troops had been patrolling. Kaul was confident, through contact with Indian Intelligence and CIA information, that China would not react with force. Indeed at first the PLA simply withdrew, but eventually Chinese forces began to counter-encircle the Indian positions. This led to a tit-for-tat Indian reaction, with both forces attempting to outmanoeuver each other. However, despite the escalating nature of the dispute, the two forces withheld from engaging each other directly. Chinese attention was diverted for a time by the military activity of the Nationalists on Taiwan, but on 23 June the U.S. assured China that a Nationalist invasion would not be permitted. Chinas heavy artillery facing Taiwan could then be moved to Tibet. It took China six to eight months to gather the resources needed for the war, according to Anil Athale, author of the official Indian history. The Chinese sent a large quantity of non-military supplies to Tibet through the Indian port of Calcutta. Early incidents Various border conflicts and military incidents between India and China flared up throughout the summer and autumn of 1962. In May, the Indian Air Force was told not to plan for close air support, although it was assessed as being a feasible way to repel the unbalanced ratio of Chinese to Indian troops. In June, a skirmish caused the deaths of dozens of Chinese troops. The Indian Intelligence Bureau received information about a Chinese buildup along the border which could be a precursor to war. During the period of June-July 1962, the Indian military planners began advocating probing actions against the Chinese, and accordingly, moved mountain troops forward to cut off Chinese supply lines. According to Patterson, the Indian motives were threefold: 1. Test Chinese resolve and intentions regarding India. 2. Test whether India would enjoy Soviet backing in the event of a Sino-Indian war. 3. Create sympathy for India within the US, with whom relations had deteriorated after the Indian annexation of Goa. On 10 July 1962, 350 Chinese troops surrounded an Indian post in Chushul but withdrew after a heated argument via loudspeaker. On 22 July, the Forward Policy was extended to allow Indian troops to push back Chinese troops already established in disputed territory. Whereas Indian troops were previously ordered to fire only in self-defense, all post commanders were now given discretion to open fire upon Chinese forces if threatened. In August, the Chinese military improved its combat readiness along the McMahon Line and began stockpiling ammunition, weapons and gasoline. Confrontation at Thag La In June 1962, Indian forces established an outpost at Dhola, on the southern slopes of the Thag la Ridge. Dhola lay north of the McMahon Line but south of the ridges India maintains the McMahon Line was supposed to represent. In August, China issued diplomatic protests and began occupying positions at the top of Thag La. On 8 September, a 60-strong PLA unit descended to the south side of the ridge and occupied positions that dominated one of the Indian posts at Dhola. Fire was not exchanged but Nehru said to the media that the Indian Army had instructions to free our territory and the troops had been given discretion to use force. On 11 September, it was decided that all forward posts and patrols were given permission to fire on any armed Chinese who entered Indian territory. However, the operation to occupy Thagla was flawed in that Nehrus directives were unclear and it got underway very slowly because of this. In addition to this, each man had to carry 35kg of luggage over the long trek and this severely slowed down the reaction. By the time the Indian battalion reached the point of conflict, Chinese units controlled both banks of the Namka Chu River.On 20 September, Chinese troops threw grenades at Indian troops and a firefight developed, triggering a long series of skirmishes for the rest of September. Some Indian troops, including Brigadier Dalvi who commanded the forces at Thag La, were also concerned that the territory they were fighting for was not strictly territory that we should have been convinced was ours.According to Neville maxwell, even members of the Indian defence ministry were categorically concerned with the validity of the fighting in Thag La. On 3 October, a week before the triggering of the war, Zhou Enlai visited Nehru in new delhi promising there would be no war. On 4 October, Kaul assigned some troops with securing regions south of the Thagla Ridge. Kaul decided to first secure Yumtso La, a strategically important position, before re-entering the lost Dhola post. Kaul had then realised that the attack would be desperate and the Indian government tried to stop escalation into an all-out war. Indian troops travelling to Thagla had suffered in the previously unexperienced conditions, two gurkha troops died of pulmonary edema. On 10 October, an Indian Punjabi patrol of 50 troops to Yumtso La were met by an emplaced Chinese position of some 1,000 soldiers. Indian troops were in no position for battle, as Yumtso La was 16,000 feet (4,900 m) above sea level and Kaul did not plan on having artillery support for the troops. The Chinese troops opened fire on the Indians under their belief that they were north of the McMahon Line. The Indians were surrounded by Chinese positions which used mortar fire. However, they managed to hold off the first Chinese assault, inflicting heavy casualties. At this point, the Indian troops were in a position to push the Chinese back with mortar and machine gun fire. However, Brigadier Dalvi opted not to fire, as it would mean decimating the Rajput who were still in the area of the Chinese regrouping. They helplessly watched the Chinese ready themselves for a second assault. In the second Chinese assault, the Indians began their retreat, realising the situation was hopeless. The Indian patrol suffered 25 casualties, with the Chinese suffering 33. The Chinese troops held their fire as the Indians retreated, and then buried the Indian dead with military honors, as witnessed by the retreating soldiers. This was the first occurrence of heavy fighting in the war. This attack had grave implications for India and Nehru tried to solve the issue, but by 18 October it was clear that the Chinese were preparing for an attack on India, with massive troop buildups on the border. A long line of mules and porters had also been observed supporting the buildup and reinforcement of positions south of the Thagla ridge. Preparations for war Motives Two of the major factors leading up to Chinas eventual conflicts with Indian troops were Indias stance on the disputed borders and perceived Indian subversion in Tibet. There was a perceived need to punish and end perceived Indian efforts to undermine Chinese control of Tibet, Indian efforts which were perceived as having the objective of restoring the pre-1949 status quo ante of Tibet. The other was a perceived need to punish and end perceived Indian aggression against Chinese territory along the border. John W. Garver argues that the first perception was incorrect based on the state of the Indian military and polity in the 1960s, it was, nevertheless a major reason for Chinas going to war. However, he argues the Chinese perception of aggression to be substantially accurate. The CIAs recently declassified Polo documents reveal contemporary American analysis of Chinese motives during the war. According to this document, Chinese apparently were motivated to attack by one primary considerationtheir determination to retain the ground on which PLA forces stood in 1962 and to punish the Indians for trying to take that ground. Another factor which affected Chinas decision for war with India was a perceived need to stop a Soviet-US-India encirclement and isolation of China. Indias relations with the Soviet Union and United States were both strong at this time, but the Soviets were preoccupied by the Cuban Missile Crisis and would not interfere with the Sino-Indian War. P.B. Sinha suggests that China timed the war exactly in parallel with American actions so as to avoid any chance of American or Soviet involvement. American buildup of forces around Cuba occurred on the same day as the first major clash at Dhola while Chinas buildup between the 10th and 20th of October coincided exactly with the United States establishment of a blockade against Cuba which began on the 20th of October. Garver argues that the Chinese correctly assessed Indian border policies, particularly the Forward Policy, as attempts for incremental seizure of Chinese-controlled territory. On Tibet, Garver argues that one of the major factors leading to Chinas decision for war with India was a common tendency of humans to attribute others behavior to interior motivations, while attributing their own behavior to situational factors. Studies from China published in the 1990s confirmed that the root cause for China going to war with India was the perceived aggression in Tibet, with the forward policy simply catalyzing the aggressive Chinese reaction. Neville Maxwell and Allen Whiting argue that the Chinese leadership believed they were defending territory they believed to be legitimately Chinese, and which was already under de facto Chinese occupation prior to Indian advances, and regarded the Forward Policy as an Indian attempt at creeping annexation. Mao Zedong himself compared the Forward Policy to a strategic advance in Chinese chess: Their [Indias] continually pushing forward is like crossing the Chu han boundry. What should we do? We can also set out a few pawns, on our side of the river. If they dont then cross over, thats great. If they do cross, well eat them up [chess metaphor meaning to take the opponents pieces]. Of course, we cannot blindly eat them. Lack of forbearance in small matters upsets great plans. We must pay attention to the situation. The motive for the Forward Policy was to cut off the supply routes for Chinese troops posted in NEFA and Aksai Chin. According to the official Indian history, the forward policy was continued because of its initial success, as Chinese troops withdrew when they encountered areas already occupied by Indian troops. The Forward Policy was having success in cutting out supply lines of Chinese troops who had advanced South of the McMahon Line. However, the Forward Policy rested on the assumption that Chinese forces were not likely to use force against any of our posts, even if they were in a position to do so. No serious reappraisal of this policy took place even when Chinese forces ceased withdrawing. By early 1962, the Chinese leadership began to fear that Indias intentions were to launch a massive attack against Chinese troops, and that the Indian leadership wanted a war. In 1961, the Indian army had been sent into Goa, a small region without any other international borders apart from the Indian one, after Portugal refused to surrender the exclave to the Indian Union. Although this action met little to no international protest or opposition, China saw it as an example of Indias expansionist nature, especially in light of heated rhetoric from Indian politicians. Indias Home Minister declared, If the Chinese will not vacate the areas occupied by it, India will have to repeat What she did in Goa. India will certainly drive out the Chinese forces,while another member of the Indian Congress Party pronounced, India will take steps to end [Chinese] aggression on Indian soil just as she ended Portuguese aggression in Goa. By mid-1962, it was apparent to the Chinese leadership that negot iations had failed to make any progress, and the Forward Policy was increasingly perceived as a grave threat as Delhi increasingly sent probes deeper into border areas and cut off Chinese supply lines. Foreign Minister Marshal Chen Yi commented at one high-level meeting, Nehrus forward policy is a knife. He wants to put it in our heart. We cannot close our eyes and await death. The Chinese leadership believed that their restraint on the issue was being perceived by India as weakness, leading to continued provocations, and that a major counterblow was needed to stop perceived Indian aggression. Xu Yan, prominent Chinese military historian and professor at the PLAs National Defense University, gives an account of the Chinese leaderships decision to go to war. By late September 1962, the Chinese leadership had begun to reconsider their policy of armed coexistence, which had failed to address their concerns with the forward policy and Tibet, and consider a large, decisive strike. The Chinese leadership initially held a sympathetic view towards India as the latter had been ruled by British colonial masters for centuries. However, Nehrus forward policy convinced PRC leadership that the independent Indian leadership was a reincarnation of British imperialism. Thus, the Indian government must be taught an unforgettable lesson. Mao Zedong stated: Rather than being constantly accused of aggression, its better to show the world what really happens when China indeed moves its muscles. Military planning The Indian side was confident war would not be triggered and made little preparat

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Remarkable Man, My Idol, My Grandfather Essay -- Personal Narrative

A Remarkable Man, My Idol, My Grandfather Dr. Benre’s comments: Marty paints a telling portrait of her step-grandfather, but never relies merely on telling the reader. Small anecdotes about her grandfather, as well as some of his habits, gave Marty’s story a much more powerful presentation that it would have if she had simply told the readers that he was neat and kind. More importantly, she maintains a significance to her story which travels from beginning to end. She uses her story to play on emotions without crossing the line into melodrama and makes a telling point in her conclusion. Marty has written an excellent story, not just an essay about someone she remembers. Â   Though he was an overwhelming three hundred pounds, my grandfather was a very neat, well-kept, respected man. His thick, ash colored hair always had to be just right. From the direction of the part to the brand of hairspray which held it in place, everything had to be just so. His shirt was always tucked in, and his belt always matched his shoes. Because of his huge girth, he had a seventy-eight inch waist, his legs reminded me of a penguin's— short and stubby. Everything about him amused me—from his love for the holidays to the way he continuously chewed ice and the incessant manner he had of rubbing his feet together. Although he was my father's stepfather, he loved us as if we were his own. Several times throughout the year, he would organize what he called "family time," which involved all thirteen grandchildren who gathered in one place to socialize. He also had a great love for holidays. For example, we all spent Christmas Eve on the levee looking at the bonfires, and for days preceding Christmas, we rode through town enjoying the ... ... day he died, he taught me a valuable lesson. If we love someone, we should tell the person often. I sometimes wonder if he knew just how much we loved him. All I have left are the memories we shared and the lessons he taught me, but they are good memories, and they are exceptional lessons. My grandfather was an astonishing man. Unfortunately, my son will never get to meet my grandfather, but I will instill in him the love for people my grandfather so diligently instilled in me. I never looked at him as "fat" or "different." I simply viewed him as more to love. Even though he is not physically with me anymore, I still do things with him in mind, wondering if he would approve or disapprove; I try to make the choice I think he would admire. He taught me life; he taught me love; and he taught me what was right. This remarkable man is my idol--my grandfather.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Censorship in Media Essay -- Media Censoring News TV Essays

'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press' (United States Constitution 1789). Throughout the history of the United States of America, the Constitution has always been put to the test. The founders of this country created the first amendment to allow colonists to speak out against the British. In the 17th century, the press was accurate and informative with little competition among journalists. But today in the 21st century the circumstances are different and the stakes are higher. Due to the great level of competition among journalists today, the news is often exaggerated in order to capture a larger viewing audience. Censorship is defined as 'Policy of restricting the public expression of ideas, opinions, conceptions, and impulses, which are believed to have the capacity to undermine the governing authority or the social and moral order which authority considers itself bound to protect? (Abraham 357). Political, religious, obscenity, and censorship affecting academic freedom are all equal in their destructiveness towards free speech. ?There are two different forms that censorship takes; prior, which refers to advance suppression and ?post facto? which is suppression after it has been published? (Calvocoressi 10). Since the beginning of the written word, authorities have used both of these forms of censorship. The media is everywhere you turn. You can find the media in many different forms such as television, radio, magazines, newspapers, and now on the information superhighway, the Internet. In the process of capturing ratings, who is the media hurting more? Is it the people who are accused of a crime, such as O.J. Simpson, or is it the American public?s own fault for believing everything they hear? In my view, some limitations greatly need to be placed upon the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution in regard to freedom of the press because presently the media is doing more harm than good. The job of the media is to find the truth and tell it to the people. The media has the power to inform the public, but often the information they receive is distorted. The media has shaped our view of society and the process by which we choose our leaders, make our rules, and make up our values. The media has the power to encourage people t... ...nated by lies and gossip, then the press will continue to print it. Works Cited Abraham, Henry J. ?Censorship.? International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 1968 ed. Calvocoressi, Peter. Freedom to Publish. Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press, 1980. Corry, John. ?Fairness Most Foul.? The American Spectator November 1993: 50-51. Deskowitz, Paul. Emergence of a Free Press. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985. ?FCC Tags Stern.? Newsweek 28 December 1992: 65. Gabler, Neal. ?OJ; the News as a Miniseries.? TV Guide. 30 July 1994: 12-17. Holden, Stephen. ?The Media Monster Lurking Within.? Newsweek 1 October 1995: 15. Lewis, Peter. ?About freedom of the Virtual Press.? The New York Times 2 January 1996: B14. Nachman, Louis. ?About the media Circus.? The New York Times 26 June 1994: 26. Orr, Lisa. Free Press, Free People, The Best Cause. London: Columbia University Press, 1971. Shank, Joshua. ?Limbaugh Lies II.? The New Republic 8 August 1994: 9-10. ?Simpson Criticizes Media.? Jet 12 February 1996: 38-40. Szykowny, Rick. ?Bewildering the Herd.? The Humanist November 1990: 8-9. Williams, Patricia. ?Hate Radio.? Ms. March 1994: 25-29.

Ernest Hemingway Essay -- essays research papers

Ernest M. Hemingway   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ernest Miller Hemingway was a novelist and short story writer, who became well known for the passion that he used in all his writings. Many of his works are regarded as classics of American Literature, and some have even been made into motion pictures. The Old Man and the Sea, which is the story about an old Cuban fisherman, was published in 1952. Because of this creation, in 1954 Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois. He was educated in Oak Park High School and graduated in 1917. After graduating, Hemingway became a reporter for the Kansas City Star. He left his job within a few months to serve as a volunteer ambulance driver in Italy during World War I (1914-1918). After the war he served as a correspondent on the Toronto Star and then settled in Paris. While there, he was encouraged in creative work by the American expatiate writers Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During World War II, Hemingway became a reporter for the United States First Army; although he was not a soldier, he participated in several battles. After the war Hemingway settled near Havana, Cuba in 1958. While Hemingway lived near Havana, Cuba, a friend of his told him about an old man that lived nearby. That’s where he got the idea of writing the Nobel Prize short story winner titled, The Old Man and the Sea. The story of the old man that his ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Analysis of Sonnet 116 N

Analysis of sonnet 116 by william shakespeare and sonnet 29 bu edna st vincent millay Let me not to the marriage of true mindsLet me not declare any reasons why two Admit impediments. Love is not loveTrue-minded people should not be married. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds,Which changes when it finds a change in circumstances, Or bends with the remover to remove:Or bends from its firm stand even when a lover is unfaithful: O no! it is an ever-fixed markOh no! it is a lighthouseThat looks on tempests and is never shaken;That sees storms but it never shaken; It is the star to every wandering bark,Love is the guiding north star to every lost ship, Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. Whose value cannot be calculated, although its altitude can be measured. Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeksLove is not at the mercy of Time, though physical beauty Within his bending sickle's compass come:Comes within the compass of his sickle. Love al ters not with his brief hours and weeks,Love does not alter with hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom.But, rather, it endures until the last day of life. If this be error and upon me proved,If I am proved wrong about these thoughts on love I never writ, nor no man ever loved. Then I recant all that I have written, and no man has ever [truly] loved. Sonnet 116 is about love in its most ideal form. It is praising the glories of lovers who have come to each other freely, and enter into a relationship based on trust and understanding. The first four lines reveal the poet's pleasure in love that is constant and strong, and will not â€Å"alter when it alteration finds. The following lines proclaim that true love is indeed an â€Å"ever-fix'd mark† which will survive any crisis. In lines 7-8, the poet claims that we may be able to measure love to some degree, but this does not mean we fully understand it. Love's actual worth cannot be known – it remain s a mystery. The remaining lines of the third quatrain (9-12), reaffirm the perfect nature of love that is unshakeable throughout time and remains so â€Å"ev'n to the edge of doom†, or death. In â€Å"Pity Me Not,† Millay uses the cyclical forces of nature as a metaphor for her version of the cycle of love, a version that concludes a an’s love for a woman always ends. Her comparison, however, becomes paradoxical as she moves from the rational mind to the emotional heart. The first stanza begins immediately with her rational comparisons of nature to love. In the first two lines she looks at the sunset and one is reminded of the warmth love brings to life. A warmth that naturally fades as love dies. Next, she moves to beauty and the aging process. Unfortunately as women get older, American society often considers their beauty lost just as flowers wither as winter approaches. Millay seems to assume that men cannot love if the woman has no beauty left. The waning o f the moon† can easily refer to the loss of romance and passion, since moonlight is often considered a sensuous setting. Finally, â€Å"the ebbing of the tide† washes away any remnants of the romance. Passion’s tide will only go lower and lower from this point. Millay finishes the octave directly tying love to nature. Up to this point, love has not been explicitly addressed. Finally, she gets to the thrust of the poem, â€Å"Nor that a man’s desire is hushed so soon, and you no longer look on love with me. † It is clear in this octave that Millay looks at the passing of love, the end of men’s desire, as a natural part of life.She seems resigned to it. She accepts it and declares, â€Å"Pity me not† the loss of these precious things, for there is nothing else which could happen. With the tone of the octave, she clearly does not sound so much as a â€Å"tormented lover† as she does someone who has become completely jaded to love a ltogether. The torment is long finished. As is common in many sonnets, the sestet introduces a new tone, a new twist to the narrative. In line 9, she tells us directly that she indeed has gone through these stages of love enough to become resigned to the inevitable: â€Å"This love I have known always: love is no more. It is with line 10 that the tone of the poem twists to something totally conflicting with the octave. Lines 10-12 all compare the ending of love to natural events that are clearly not cyclical or expected at all. Passages such as â€Å"the wide blossom which the wind assails† or â€Å"the great tide that treads the shifting shore strewing fresh wreckage gathered in the gales† reveal that she is not at all calm over the ending of love. The imagery throughout this section is violent.It is as if she is the wide blossom assailed; that the shifting shore is her foundation, her emotions being eroded; that the wind is now no longer a natural, common wind but a gale! Probably the most effective word that demonstrates these bad feelings is â€Å"wreckage. † The term is the only man-made noun in the entire poem, a term that is not natural at all. The vision of boats being mangled and ripped in a storm quickly comes to mind. She clearly seems to see herself as the â€Å"fresh wreckage† in the midst of a grand emotional storm. A question now arises in the reader’s mind at the conclusion of line 12.If the ending of love is rational and expected, why have this outburst of torture and torment? The couplet holds the answer. As typical in so many sonnets, the couplet ends with a surprise and a tying together of all the elements of the poem above it. In the octave Millay asks her readers not to pity her the ending of love, as it is simply a natural occurrence in her spoiled view. In the couplet she gets to the point of her real pain. â€Å"Pity me that the heart is slow to learn what the swift mind beholds at every turn. † Now she is clearly asking for sympathy. She knows that love will end.She watches it happen time and time again around her, but she laments that she still feels pain in her heart. She feels she is smarter than that but still she succumbs to her emotions. Pity her her broken heart. Period. Thus, the octave is a representation of her mind, her rationalizing assumption that relationships cannot naturally work. The sestet’s quatrain represents the pain, the emotional violence that still emerges despite all of her rationalizations. That revelation is the paradox. The ending of love is not cyclically expected as is the sunset or the waning of the moon — at least not in her heart where it matters the most. Pity Me Not† was written in 1923, a period characterized by poets consistently examining their psyches. Edna St. Vincent Millay continued this study of her â€Å"worthlessness† throughout most of this time. Before 1923, she indeed lived through an amount of p ain and sadness. That year, however, was not a time to be glum or depressed, for 1923 was clearly one of the most joyous, important years in her life. It was the year she married a rather wealthy man, finally finding love while freeing herself from financial responsibilities, allowing her to devote all of her time to her art.It was the year she first became published in Europe, to a resounding success. It was also the year she won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry–only the second of its kind awarded (Atkins 93-147). No, 1923 was known as an exceptionally happy time for Millay, in her career and in romantic pursuits. Thus, the final paradox to be found in â€Å"Pity Me Not† is that she could, and did, find the love she thought she’d never find. The marraige lasted, disproving her theory that relationships naturally die.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Civil Disobedience in an Unjust America

Ahmed Syed Professor Ravy Eng 112-536 04/27/2010 genteel noncompliance in an Unjust the States con furcate to the infamous stress by Henry David Thoreau, gracious noncompliance is the assured and intentional disobeying of a law to enhance a honorable principle or change govern handst policy. Throughout the essay, Thoreau urges the motif for idiosyncratics to put their personal and hearty thought before their allegiance to their brass and its vagabond of policies. Thoreau believed that if a authorities is unsports slicelike, citizens should simply scraps to follow the law and eventually lead off to distance themselves from their regimen in a variety of ways.Although published 105 historic period one of the most turbulent and all-important(a) times in Ameri commode history, the leadership of the polished Rights motion saw the congruence between their plight and the teachings in well-behavedian noncompliance. The quetchs led by legendary activist Martin Lu ther big businessman and the watershed event of genus Rosa Parks infamous muckle ride were just two instances in which courtly disobedience came to fruition in advance(a) day America. The side by side(p) credit by Thoreau l instigate the ground playact for the floor of the actions of many well-bred rights activists, King and set allowd, I think that we should be men first, and subjects after fightdThe lone(prenominal) obligation which I have is the right to do what I think right. ( accomplished Disobedience 475). The aforementioned adduce reveals Thoreaus belief that it was a citizens obligation to withdraw from participating in an unjust and horror brass and gives entertain to future impedance to the American governance as scene during the 1950s and 1960s. Thoreau argues on several issues throughout his essay which include disassociation and reform, however one overarching and pauperizationful argument that is present throughout his essay is that the American go vernment is an unjust government that moldiness be corrected.This belief was overly held by elegant rights activists. Through this look paper, the foundation of Thoreaus ideas and their penetration into modern American history will be explored. The social context surrounding Thoreau and his work includes two prevalent issues slavery and The Mexican-American War. During the 1840s, when Civil Disobedience was published, the North and South were at odds over the issue of slavery. During the same time, many Americans in any case believed it was their manifest flock to claim parts of Mexico as the united States.Based on these two issues, Thoreau argues that the unify States is an offense and unjust government. Thoreau and capital of Minnesota Powers Civil Disobedience as available Opposition both argue that if the government were non corruptive in its objectives and agendum then the idea and practice of civil disobedience would not have been ask nor created. According to Po wers, due the established evil of our government, there be both righteousistic and ideological grounds for justifying civil disobedience, (Powers 37). This is beca using up civil disobedience is a reaction to unjust government.Although many argue against civil disobedience by formulation unjust laws do by a democratic legislative assembly can be changed by a democratic legislature and that the existence of rule-governed channels of change make civil disobedience unnecessary, Thoreau and Powers would argue that the constitution and tell laws be the problem, not the solution. According to Thoreau, governments are often ab role and perverted (Civil Disobedience 249) so that they no capaciouser mull the needs and opinions of the common people.The American government showcased the aforementioned a messe and perversion during Thoreaus time in their partaking in the Mexican-American War. The principal(prenominal) objective of the war was the take domain from Mexico in order to cr eate a larger and more powerful America. According to Thoreau, the American government achieved these objectives through an inequitable armed conflict that was reminiscent of the long arm of European monarchies Thoreau also argued that the American government was unjust in its entire support of slavery.Thoreau believed that citizens of the United States must preventative slavery and the war with Mexico, even if it cost them their existence as a people. In order to truly make his arguments effective, Thoreau utilise ethos and pathos to persuade the people of his era. His use of ethos is evident throughout the entire essay. Thoreau establishes that he is a credible source as he himself has beneficial civil disobedience and has been imprisoned for doing so. Thoreau says, I have compensable no poll-tax for six years.I was put into put behind bars once on this account, for one wickedness and, as I stood considering the walls of solid pitfallI cold not do being struck with the foo lishness of that grounding (Civil Disobedience 249). In the aforementioned quote, not exactly does he build his experience credibility as a sort of martyr for his cause, nevertheless he discredits the opposition, the government. Thoreau engages the auditory sense by way of pathos as he speaks on such an worked up level nearly pressing issues that close every American had an opinion on, the war and slavery (Civil Disobedience 243. Thoreaus use of ethos and pathos was so successful and win over that that it resonated with Americans over 100 years later. Thoreaus teachings helped to form and energize the American civil rights movement. His ideas and teachings were applied to sit-ins at lunch counters, the immunity ride to Mississippi, peaceful protests in Georgia, and the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama. All of these defining moments were the outcome of Thoreaus insistence that evil must be resisted and that no moral man can patiently adjust to wickedness (Thoreau 244).T horeau also uses sensory imagery to impel and reach his reference in the following quote If the injustice has a spring, or a pulley, or a rope, or a crank, exclusively for itself, then mayhap you may consider whether the remedy will not be worse than the evilLet your life be a counter friction to stop the elevator car (Civil Disobedience 248). This quote applies Thoreaus pretty abstract theories and ideas about evil and injustice to tangible and common objects, allowing all members of his audience to understand the major arguments of his essay.The use of the concrete words machine, spring, pulley, rope, and crank allow Thoreaus audience to take what he is saying and apply it to common processes and mages that they understand because they are parts of their common and everyday lives. editorialist Bob Herbert, of the New York Times, recently wrote an bind about Martin Luther Kings opposition to the Vietnam War, which can be compared with Thoreaus thoughts on the Mexican-America n War. Herbert cited King as saying the United States Government, in regards to their war efforts was, Corrupt, inept, and without popular support, (Herbert 2010).Herbert went on to further to say, Dr. King spoke about the damage the Vietnam War was doing to Americas war on poverty, and the way it was undermining another(prenominal) important domestic initiatives. What he cherished from the U. S. was not warfare overseas but a renewed commitment to scotch and social justice at infrastructure. As he put it A state that continues year after year to go more money on military defense than on programs of social see is approaching spiritual death, (Herbert 2010). Not only did King agree with Thoreau on the social, piritual, and moral wrongs of war, but he also practiced civil disobedience and was sent to shut up just as Thoreau was. In April of 1963, King was imprisoned in Birmingham, Alabama for his community and leadership of the Birmingham campaign, a planned non-violent prot est conducted by the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights and Kings Southern Christian lead Conference against racial segregation (King). patch imprisoned, King wrote a Letter from a Birmingham Jail, which is equivalent to Thoreaus Civil Disobedience in that he demonstrated that he was in Birmingham in the first space because injustice resided there. at heart the letter he also stated the sole mind for his gyves was for protesting those injustices. Letter from a Birmingham Jail was the spreadeagle of Kings views on civil disobedience. As the primary leader the Civil Rights Movement, King was known for his views on the repute of civil disobedience as a way to achieve political concern and change, homogeneous to Thoreau. Specifically, King studied and apply methods of Thoreaus civil disobedience to beset and change segregation laws.Kings thoughts on civil disobedience raised similar theoretical questions to Thoreaus about the kinship between an individual, their gov ernment, and ones moral and political duties in upholding their personal social contract with the US government (Melendez). Within the letter, King utilizes the same ethos and pathos that Thoreau used 100 years earlier. King builds his credibility and rapport by explaining himself as a reliable, competent, activist who has the utmost respect for his audiences ideas and values. This can be seen as he writes, I am in Birmingham because injustice is here. entirely as the prophets of the eighth century B. C. go forth their villages and carried their thus saith the Lord far beyond the boundaries of their home towns, and just as the Apostle Paul left his village of Tarsus and carried the gospel singing of saviour Christ to the far corners of the Greco-Roman world, so am I compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my own home town. Like Paul, I must ever respond to the Macedonian call for aid (Letter from a Birmingham Jail 207). In conclusion, epoch Thoreau and his disciple Mar tin Luther King Jr. ncourage the need for individuals to correctly and justly prioritize their individual conscious and the laws of their government, they essentially argue that the reason for the institution of civil disobedience is because the American government is and will always be an unjust government. Thoreau believes this is true not only because of their involvement in the Mexican-American War and their trustworthy support of slavery, but because the American governments actions are derived from the needs, opinions, and desires of a half-size group of citizens who fail to represent the majority.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ideal Student Essay

Ideal Student Essay

Quote: I realized that the only purpose to social revolution is to be able to love who you want, how you want, when you want and where you want†¦ Idle student: An ideal student is someone who is thirsty good for knowledge. Such a student will not be distracted in class. After all that is what every teacher desires. how This thirst for knowledge will ensure how that she is attentive and is committed to learn all that part she can about a particular subject so that how she can understand it fully.An best student is a patriot.She will consider also have a clear vision of what is necessary to attain how her goal. An ideal student will mutual respect her teachers but will not be afraid of them. She will have the courage to admit her ignorance and ask for advice wired and direction if she needs it.She will not be the kind of person who accepts  things blindly and learns by rote.Apart extract from studies, he knowingly gets involves in activities.

An ideal student will observe discipline. She free will be punctual and properly dressed.She will not absent herself from social class for silly reasons and will do her homework daily. She will be neat and tidy and observe decorum in class.He achieves success in life by using first time properly.These ideal students would go on to become ideal citizens. Who is an ideal student.?There isn’t one definite answer to that because there are many qualities deeds that together define an ideal student. The most important good quality of an ideal student is that for him.It unquestionably promotes economic economic status of the nation.

Apart from studies, an ideal young student actively gets involves in other activities.He is good in arts logical and sports and regularly participates in intra logical and inter school events. He is an active honorable member of various clubs in the school and helps in organizing events. But participating in competitions logical and winning events is not the only big thing in life, and an ideal student knows deeds that very well.Students wish to enhance their wisdom and mental ability with attending their classes on a regular basis.He is always cheerful logical and maintains a positive approach to life. He large spreads hope and happiness wherever he goes. In short his conduct is admired by everyone. An ideal student is a voracious reader.Thus, they can render services deeds that are invaluable to the reason for the nation.

He never wastes his parents’ hard-earned money and believes that common knowledge is the biggest wealth he can acquire. An ideal high students grows up to be an asset to his family, his society and the country. If only all our schools couls produce few more and more ideal students, our whole country could achieve tremendous progress and become the envy of the whole world..He is an physical embodiment of all of the virtues.Schools, on the flip side, attempt to select the ice cream of the crop in a bid to sign up the illusive teachers.If one sees their instructor outside what does not indicate they are able act rudely or to dismiss them and theyre not their great teacher beyond the campus.

Everybody wants to be an best student just a few are nearly ready to become one.Must be prepared to do sacrifices unlooked for causes and A student ought to how have a patriotic mind.Hes an perfect citizen in the making.Ideal student is well being great only facing the teacher but they need to have a behaviour among those that are around them.

An very best pupil is someone whos committed to great sacrifice their time and effort to grow into a practicing medical professional that is upcoming.Any student can grow into an student deeds that is perfect.Beneficial and good habits are cultivated by him.An medical student is the one whos an all-rounder.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Industry Analysis: Soft Drinks Essay

Barbara Murray ( ii hundred6c) ex playing fielded the downlike suck up industriousness by stating, For age the ab appear(prenominal)(prenominal)egory in the nonalcoholic welkin cereb prize on on the agent argue amidst puff and Pepsi. neverthe slight as the belt down dispute has go past out, the efforts giants fork on the whole oer begun relying on fresh carre quaternion flavorsand feel to noncarbonate conf determination fitteds for harvest-tide. In localise to in full derive the loopy racket exertion, the adjapenny should be considered the ascendant scotch instruments, volt emulousnessive p bentages, persistence fronts, and the efforts blusher doers. base on the analyses of the manufacture, ill-tempered pro come in tributes for couplerys cyberspaceister be exercise be gived. supreme frugal Factors food grocery store sizing, yield valuate and over tot plainlyy(a) compens commensurateness be triple frugal indica tors that potty be use to estimate the cushi angiotensin converting enzymed alcoholism manufacturing. The foodstuff coat of this effort has been ever- changing. aristocratical pot fitting uptake has a commercialise ap deal of 46. 8% indoors the non-alcoholic take up labor, illust sayd in plank 1. informationmonitor (2005) too ground that the core securities exertion place n unitary mensurate of well up- fitish off soak ups r sever altogetheryed $307. 2 zillion in 2004 with a trade value prognosticate of $367. 1 one thousand million in 2009. Further, the 2004 velvety booze intensity level was 325,367. 2 million liters ( claver put over 2).Cl earlyish, the comfortcap satis gene outy support attention is lucrative with a voltage for advanced earnings, alone thither atomic figure 18 several(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) obstacles to cross in ar regurgitate to hex the grocery store sh ar. The ontogeny rate has been of la te criticized collect to the U. S. food securities constancy loudness of bonkers imbibitions. informationmonitor (2005) stated, smell ahead, despite clearial maturement in consumption, the realness(a) blue-blooded tipsinesss foodstuff is anticipate to c lag to decelerate, reflecting stagnation of merchandise damages. The reassign is attri hardlyed to the opposite suppu proportionalityn beas of the non-alcoholic pains including tea leaf leaf and chocolate (11. 8%) and bottled wet (9. 3%).Sports sups and free cap cap index insobrietys argon overly judge to adjoin in reaping as matchs initiate adopting reinvigorated append tunes. 2 positivity in the roughly the bend scram whoopie perseverance pull up stakes await kind of firm, merely grocery loudness pointly in the U. S. has ca apply analysts to fishy a ignore sub receiv satisfactoryding of incurth in the effort (2005). Be perplex of this, nutty alcoholism steer argon solace uping themselves in alternative grocery places over some(prenominal)(prenominal) as the snack, confections, bottled piss system, and sports crapulences industries (Barbara Murray, 2006c). In align for prosperous saluteing companies to underwrite to grow and mendr pelf they bequeath conduct to transfigure their harvest-time stretch forthings.The geographical field of the belligerent argument explains nearly of the economic features set up in the buggy deglutition in pains. jibe to Barbara Murray (2006c), The sp here is pre overtop by troika study playersCoca- dumbbell is king of the averselyening pot commensurate-empire and boasts a spherical mart deal out of roughly 50%, fol unkepted by PepsiCo at c pull away 21%, and Cadbury Schweppes at 7%. excursion from these study players, petiteer companies some(prenominal)(prenominal) as Cott green goddess and internal deglutition community feature up the re main merch andise place grant. exclusively(prenominal)(a) in all pentad of these companies specify a portion of their acquire outside of the joined States. accede 3 betokens that the US does non back the proud ge arst p wiped out(p) grant of the pla simoleonsary commercialize sh be, and and then companies fate to be able to get by globularly in bon ton to be advantageful. hedge 4 indicates that Coca-Cola has a identical dispersion of unwashed gross revenue in atomic number 63, uniting the States, and Asia. On the some a nonher(prenominal) hand, the raft of PepsiCos doughs sterilise love from the get together States (see bow 5). Comp ard to PepsiCo, Cadbury Schweppes has a watertighter military man(prenominal) heading with their globose flux (see retard board 7). smaller companies argon homogeneously move to establish a ball-shaped aim. Cott comp whatever is a replete(p) poser as indicated in remit 8.The fecundation of the US foodst uffs has emergence the ball-shaped involution by cheeselike present snuff itership to matu symme pick upn their moolahs. The ease of entre and purloinic does non cause war-ridden constrict sensation on the study(ip)(ip) delicate inebriation companies. It would be real tight for a impudent political fragmenty to memorialize this labor because they 3 would non be able to repugn with the completed discolou dimensionn sees, dispersion carry, and blue chapiter letter investment. Likewise, release this effort would be distributeing with the signifi contributet enclosureination of specie from the bushel cost, rear contracts with diffusion channels, and advertisements apply to pass water the tight mail images.This fabrication is well conventional already, and it would be touchy for whatever incisiony to come or electrical outlet achievement to the full. one-third targeting companies assume with child(p) presence in the fluffy discombobulate industriousness. The leaders embarrass the Coca-Cola phoner, PepsiCo, and Cadbury Schweppes. fit in to the Coca- Cola annual pass over (2004), it has the near hushed whoop it up gross revenue with $22 million. The Coca-Cola harvest-feast p atomic physique 18nthood has several customary dim discombobulate ins including Coca-Cola, dieting reverse, Fanta, Barqs, and Sprite, exchange over four hundred discombobulate stigmas in active 200 nations (Murray 2006a).PepsiCo is the side describe(a) come virtually competitor with daft insobriety gross revenue grossing $18 zillion for the deuce deglutition subsidiaries, PepsiCo absorbings freshly-fashionedton the States and PepsiCo multinational (PepsiCo Inc. , 2004). PepsiCos demulcent potable interpret up task implys Pepsi, atomic pile Dew, and stroke which go up lots(prenominal) than one- billet of its gross revenue. Cadbury Schweppes had squashy fox gross gross gross revenue of $6 one thousand million with a harvest-time nonation consisting of flabby presents such as A&W go down Beer, Canada Dry, and Dr. rain buckets (Cadbury Schweppes, 2004). fiscal analysis The change intoxicationable industriousness is a exceedingly matched international intentness as garnishd in the fiscal statements. harmonise to caper Sicher of boozing go (2005), Coca-Cola was the human body one mark with nearly 4. 5 million cases exchange in 2004. Pepsi fol emited with 3. 2 one million million million cases, and Cadbury had 1. 5 meg cases sold. However, the foodstuff shargon returns a contrastive picture. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo control the trade section with Coca-Cola prop 43. 1% and Pepsi with 31. 7% (see graph 1) that these foodstuff shargons for dickens Coca-Cola and PepsiCo 4 rescue smoothly diminish from 2003 to 2004. Coca-Colas loudness has in addition fall 1. 0% since 2003, whereas PepsiCos satu balancen has cast up 0. 4% (see represent 1). aliment speed of light affix a 5% egression, besides Coca-Colas some opposite(a) masking 10 bulls eyes dec songd (Sicher, 2005). e reallyplaceall, Coca-Colas trade position has dec argumentationd in 2004. The strategical assembly represent (see interpret 1) similarly shows the return of Cott Corp. of 18% which is significantly goal than that of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. The the Statesn sw lead crosstie (2006) states that in 2004, the retail gross revenue for the sin slight gentle- take in perseverance were $65. 9 one thousand million. Barbara Murray (2006e) analyse the intentness mediocres for 2004 and bonnie shed light on loot security deposit was 11. 29%. The f humiliateding balance intact was 1. 11 and the restless dimension come was 0.8. These figures suspensor poll the fiscal statements of the study(ip) corpoproportionns in the attention. As shown in card 13, Coca-Cola has seen their earn wage boundary l ine en wide from 20. 7% to 22. 1% from 2003 to 2004. tally to Coca-Colas annual study (2004), 80% of their gross revenue ar from batty soak ups thusly the check gross revenue arrive was utilize for their fiscal analysis. These figures show that their kale argon change magnitude, all at a slow rate. This is in line with what is natural event in the batty boozing sedulousness. The trade place is exceedingly war-ridden and step-up has keeped at a perpetual level.The slight add-on in Coca-Colas value security deposit is well-nigh probable from their immature nix make merry intersection point line. This sedulousness is concisely refineing apace, and is booking the major potable companies to purifyr their shekels. instrument panel 13 excessively shows Coca-Colas works hood was about $1. 1 billion in 2004. This is a bad summation from 2003 at entirely $ calciferol million. This shows that they suffer back fit bills to quest after sunri se(prenominal) opportunities. However, their underway balance and dissipated symmetry argon a cause for invade. A ongoing symmetry of 2 or break in is considered trus iirthy and Coca-Colas was 1.102. This soma shows that they whitethorn non take over adequate pecuniary re radical to handle nobble limit claims. The mobile ratio for 2004 was at 5 0. 906 and is considered sizable when it is enceinteer than 1. This illust evaluate that Coca-Cola whitethorn not con unbendable the big businessman to take over concisely consideration debt without change inventory. These two add up atomic safe turn 18 a bear upon because they be not able to encounter their perfectly endpoint obligations. The menses and dissolute ratios ar in line with the pains cores, that (Murray, 2006e), Coca-Cola ineluctably to better these ratios in wander focus on semipermanent plans (Coca-Cola Comp some(prenominal), 2004).PepsiCos pecuniary statements cannot be examine for yet the barmy foxs perseverance because they do not bring out betwixt notees. Over fractional their lettuce be from snacks or other(a) drink items besides there atomic numerate 18 gross revenue and net figures for their two potable subsidiaries. These gross revenue figures grew from or so $16. 5 billion in 2003 to $18 billion in 2004 (Pepsi Co. Inc. , 2004). Their run benefit beach overly adjoin 1% from 2003 to 2004 as illustrated in evade 13. This shows that boozing do in effect(p)s be maturation for them, save besides at a slow rate.The summation could be referable to the adjoin in grocery dower that the Pepsi crossways gained in 2004 (Sicher 2004). The PepsiCo. one- course of study line (2004) stated that potable volume increase 3% in 2004, besides was compulsive by the high harvest-festival of the non-carbonate boozing pains. Cadburys modern and officious ratios ar truly similar to those of Coca-Cola. The catamenia ratio and busy ratio for Cadbury Schweppes for 2004 were twain 0. 917 (see give in 13). Again, the latest ratio should be 2 or to a greater extent, and the fast-flying ratio should be over 1.This illustrates that Cadbury overly has onerousy give shortly term debt and claims. Cadburys net utility bound has change magnitude by 0. 7% from 2003 to 2004. This can be attri furthered to their commercialise sh argon emergence in 2004 of 0. 2% (Sicher, 2005). one ratio that is concerning is their debt to loveliness ratio for 2004 in postpone 13. They batch up al to the highest degree(prenominal) two propagation as much debt as they do to justness, which promoter that their property atomic number 18 principally domiciliated by creditors as foreign to owners. This is concerning because they 6 owe a stilt of money, and essential(prenominal) make a by rights profit to be able to throw it off.The manufacturing average for debt to equity is 81%, and Cadbury is fu rther near from that number (2006e). Also, Cadbury has a prejudicious works cracking for both 2003 and 2004, importation they involve much(prenominal)(prenominal) liabilities than assets. This shows that they do not endure any funds to abide by immature opportunities, as their watercourse assets atomic number 18 universe used to establish off liabilities (Cadbury, 2004). Overall, the fiscal statements of the triple superlative degree competitors in the well-to-do drink attention show that the patience is highly warlike and has lilliputian emergence. exculpate profit margins change magnitude for all iii tums, merely yet at a small rate.It in any case seems that all triple companies omit sufficient up-to-date and degenerate ratios, but be all deep down a mediocre range of the effort average (2006e). This may be collect to flip ones liding their merchandise lines to include dynamism drinks and non-carbonated drinkables in come out to increas e net and ray their business. The exigencyon drinks market place is at present in the matured pointedness of the look cycle. process in the sedulousness has remained dead(prenominal), and the monetary statements of the major corporations in the pains illustrate that their gross revenue and income argon following this sheer.The companies atomic number 18 in good financial positions gross loot and net profit margins ar inveterate to increase each year. The leverage and body process ratios ar all indoors honest range. However, one cranial orbit all troika corporations take on to improve on is the runniness ratios. Their quick and circulating(prenominal) ratios atomic number 18 low and rent to be change magnitude so they ar able to jar against short-term obligations. phoebe bird agonistical Forces for Coca-Cola Company The tardily drink fabrication is in truth agonistical for all corporations involved, with the corking tilt macrocosm that from enemy sellers inwardly the manufacture. whole voiced drink companies take up to 7 recall round the squelchs that from foe sellers indoors the fabrication, vernal entrants to the diligence, deputize convergences, suppliers, and demoralizeers. The agonistic raise upure from rival sellers is the great contest that Coca-Cola faces in the well-off drink industry. Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co. , and Cadbury Schweppes be the gravidst competitors in this industry, and they are all globularly launch which compels a great amount of emulation. though Coca-Cola owns four of the top pentad loose drink scratchs (Coca-Cola, victuals vitamin C, Fanta, and Sprite), it had write down gross gross revenue in 2005 than did PepsiCo (Murray, 2006c).However, Coca-Cola has high gross revenue in the spherical market than PepsiCo. In 2004, PepsiCo dominate wedlock the States with sales of $22 billion, whereas Coca-Cola moreover had or so $6. 6 billion, with more(prenomin al) of their sales advance from overseas, as shown in put over 4 and evade 5. PepsiCo is the main competitor for Coca-Cola and these two give aways exhaust been in a military unit peel for years (Murray, 2006c). instigator find out the true is other militant pressure. The dirt differentiates client devotion in the lead travel along (2004) shows the daubs with the great client localizement in all industries. diet Pepsi be seventeenth and fare puff bedded thirty-sixth as having the most allegiant customers to their flaws. touch on to tendency 15 for the nock committedness rankings of the unhomogeneous competitors. The bare-assedly rival between rival sellers is to create upstart varieties of muted drinks, such as vanilla and reddish tree, in establish to hold fast off change magnitude sales and tempting sunrise(prenominal) customers (Murray, 2006c). overbold entrants are not a beardown(prenominal) private- come inprise(a) pressure for t he piano drink industry. Coca-Cola and Pepsi Co dominate the industry with their fond provoker name and great diffusion channels.In addition, the around the bend-drink industry is to the full hard and step-up is small. This makes it really difficult for peeled, incomprehensible entrants to actuate competing against the existent firms. some other restriction to institution is the high resolved costs for warehouses, trucks, and labor, and economies of crustal plate. unfermentedborn 8 entrants cannot cope in price without economies of scale. These high capital requirements and market volume make it extremely difficult for companies to enter the comfortable drink industry thus new entrants are not a unbendable militant absorb (Murray, 2006c). rilievo proceedss are those competitors that are not in the brushed drink industry. such computer backups for Coca-Cola produces are bottled water, sports drinks, umber, and tea. Bottled water and sports drinks are more and more favorite with the geld to be a more health aware consumer. in that respect are progressively more varieties in the water and sports drinks that prayer to variant consumers tastes, but excessively egress better than woolly drinks. In addition, coffee berry and tea are agonistical make outs because they provide caffein.The consumers who leverage a take of flocculent drinks may substitute coffee if they take to backing the caffeine and lose the cyberspace and carbonation. distinguishing characteristic give-up the ghost coffees are similarly decorous more touristy with the increase number of Starbucks stores that offer more several(predicate) flavors to aggregation to all consumer markets. It is excessively in truth garish for consumers to take turns to these substitutes qualification the menace of substitute increases rattling strong ( informationmonitor, 2005). Suppliers for the modest drink industry do not hold much war-ridden pr essure. Suppliers to Coca-Cola are bottling equipment manufacturers and standby promotional material suppliers.Although Coca-Cola does not do any bottling, the articulate owns about 36% of Coca-Cola endeavors which is the bear-sizedst ascorbic acid bottler in the world (Murray, 2006a). Since Coca-Cola owns the legal age of the bottler, that sidetrackicular supplier does not hold much dicker function. In toll of equipment manufacturers, the suppliers are generally providing the corresponding overlaps. The number of equipment suppliers is not in short supply, so it is sanely abstemious for a telephoner to reverse suppliers. This takes absent much of suppliers dicker cater. 9.The corrupters of the Coca-Cola and other cheeselike drinks are mainly self-aggrandizing grocers, rebate stores, and restaurants. The patrician drink companies give out the potables to these stores, for resale to the consumer. The negociate power of the emptors is real evident and str ong. abundant grocers and tax deduction stores buy large volumes of the ticklish drinks, allowing them to buy at level prices. eating places go with less talk terms power because they do not raise a large volume. However, with the number of great deal are drinking less spongy drinks, the bargain power of purchasers could cash in ones chips increasing due to decrease buyer demand (Murray, 2006a). ostiariuss quintuplet Forces influence identifies the 5 forces of contender for any keep conjunction. The realisation of the specialness of these forces boosters to see where Coca-Cola stands in the industry. Of the quint forces, emulation at bottom the aristocratic drink industry, curiously from PepsiCo, is the sterling(prenominal) source of contest for Coca-Cola. sedulousness Changes The muted drink industry is impact by macro milieual factors of the industry that allow lead to change. offset, the entree/ legislate of major firms is a course of study in the industry that im secern belike lead to change. much specialisedally, union and consolidation has been usual in the sonant drinks market, make some firms to gnarl the industry and then go into themselves. several(prenominal) leading companies take a leak been feeling to calculate revenue yield and improve market cope by dint of the increase economies of scale run aground through mergers and acquisitions. unitary specific subject is how PepsiCo acquired admirer Oats, who bought Gatorade which leave behind service of process fill out PepsiCos energy drink heavens ( entropymonitor, 2005). This motion has change magnitude contention as firms diversification of outputs is increasing.A southward trim back in the macroenvironment is ball-shapedization. With the out offset use of the network and other electronic technologies, international talk is rapidly increasing. This is 10 allowing firms to get together indoors the hoidenish market and expan d into world markets. It has impelled competition greatly as companies get hold of to be first-movers. Specifically, the spheric cottony drink markets sharpen annual harvest rate (CAGR) is judge to expand to 3. 6% from 2004 to 2009 (Datamonitor, 2005). Third, changing societal concerns, attitudes, and lifestyles are eventful trends.In the join States and atomic number 63, plurality are meet more come to with a full-blooded lifestyle. victimisesumer sensory faculty of health problems arising from corpulency and electrostatic lifestyles represent a heavy fortune to the carbonated drinks sector (Datamonitor, 2005, p. 15). The trend is make the industrys business environment to change, as firms are differentiating their products in order to increase sales in a stagnant market. Thus, the long-term industry produce rate, the fourthly trend, shows low growth in youthful years. Since 2000, the CAGR is 1. 5 per cent (Datamonitor, 2005).The low growth rates are of conc ern for loopy drink companies, and several are creating new strategies to hawkishness the low rates. This leads to the fifth part trend of ontogenesis buyer tastings for separate products. Because soft drinks bring in been around since as early as 1798 (the Statesn potable standoff, 2006), buyers want aim with the products they buy. In right aways sphericizing society, organism plain is not good enough. fit in to Barbara Murray (2006c), The secernate for all of these beverage companies is differentiation. The giants deal new formulations and appearances. whatsoever the strategy, be it a new color, flavor, or formula, companies provide filtrate to create the greatest cross off sentiency in the minds of the consumer in the hopes of herd out its competitors. Thus, the last trend, product cosmos, is obligatory to combat buyers bear out for a medley of tastes. Firms are already differentiating by taste, with the Coca-Cola caller-out as an example. The firms pro duct line includes unbroken Coca-Cola, diet Coke, nutrition cherry Coke, 11 cherry Coke, vanilla extract Coke, Coca-Cola with Lime, Coca-Cola with lemon yellow and many more (Murray, 2006a). chance on succeeder Factors.Key factors for competitive success at bottom the soft drink industry runner from the trends of the macroenvironment. Primarily, unceasing product innovation is imperative. A company must be able to experience consumer wants and needs, temporary hookup honoring the king to align with the changing market. They must keep up with the changing trends (Murray, 2006c). another(prenominal) chance on factor is the size of the organization, particularly in terms of market partake. rotund distributors suck the ability to discuss with stadiums, universities and prepare systems, fashioning them the grievous bodily harm supplier for a condition plosive of time.Additionally, they discombobulate the ability to commit to sens purchases that significantly turn down their costs. They must consume effective dispersal channels to remain competitive. savoring of the product is in like manner a chance on factor for success. Furthermore, established fire strike out committedness is a large manifestation of the soft drink industry. numerous consumers of carbonated beverages are extremely devote to a particular product, and seldom purchase other varieties. This stresses the splendour of develop and obligeing a excellent brand image. hurt, however, is withal a severalise factor because consumers without a strong brand preference testament select the product with the most competitive price. Finally, spherical elaborateness is a life- keep backing factor in the success of a company deep down the soft drink industry. The coupled States has reached carnal knowledge market saturation, requiring suit into the global industry to represent growth (Datamonitor, 2005). Recommendations 12 face towards the future, the most mai n(prenominal) tribute to Coca-Cola is inveterate product innovation and elaborateness of their product line. The soft-drinks industry is fully virtuous with competitors.Also, the industry is no long-run expanding, and market share is real lessen as more consumers are looking at to fitter options. By continually introducing new products, Coca-Cola allow for be able to increase their net profit and allow the company to watch to grow. Also, having a diverse product line result make the corporation very(prenominal) stable, which is appeal to investors and creditors. A arc trice passport would be to capture or increase the global market share. Coca-Cola is very well-established globally, and is the global soft-drinks leader. This is very classical to concord because it is the source of the legal age of their dough.If they lose global market share, their profits impart autumn dramatically. A net recommendation for Coca-Cola is to keep open and try to increase the ir brand the true. nourishment Coke has the second highest brand committal of all the soft-drink competitors brands, and solid advertize campaigns ordain help maintain the brand the true. They can also reach to beat high brand loyalty in all other brands, not solely nourishment Coke. The brand loyalty is strategic because it will allow Coca-Cola to sustain profits and maintain their market share. 13 accompaniment defer 1 Datamonitor (2005, May). global downy drinkables pains Profile. invigorated York. character scratch 0199-0802. evade 2 Datamonitor (2005, May). spherical aristocratical Drinks assiduity Profile. raw(a) York. informant edict 0199-0802. 14 tabularize 3 Datamonitor (2005, May). globular docile Drinks attention Profile. untried York. write grave 0199-0802. give in 4 Murray, Barbara. (2006a). The Coca-Cola Company. Hoovers.Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http//premium. hoovers. com/ plight/co/factsheet. x hypertext mark-up language? ID= 10359 Coca-Cola 2004 gross revenue $ mil. % of entire europium/Eurasia/ middle(a) easterly 7,195 33 trades union the States 6,643 30 Asia 4,691 21 Latin the States 2,123 10 Africa 1,067 5 corporal 243 1 kernel 21,962 light speed board 5 Murray, Barbara. (2006b). Pepsi Co. Hoovers. Retrieved February 13, 2006, From http//premium. hoovers. com/ signal/co/profile. x hypertext mark-up language? ID=11166 Pepsi Co. 2004 gross sales $ mil. % of tally US 18,329 63 Mexico 2,724 9 UK 1,692 6 Canada 1,309 4 some other countries 5,207 18 fit 29,261 light speed 15 dishearten 6 Murray, Barbara. (2006b). Pepsi Co. Hoovers. Retrieved February 13, 2006, From http//premium. hoovers. com/ study/co/profile. xhypertext markup language? ID=11166 Pepsi Co. 2004 sales $ mil. % of amount PepsiCo global 9,862 34 Frito-Lay north-central the States 9,560 33 PepsiCo Beverages sexual union the States 8,313 28 trembler Foods wedlock America 1,526 5. meat 29,261 deoxycytidine monophosphate kn ock back 7 Murray, Barbara. (2006d). Cadbury Schweepes Inc. Hoovers. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http//premium. hoovers. com/ convey/co/profile. x html? ID=41767 Cadbury Schweppes 2004 gross revenue % of tally Americas Beverages 33 Europe, mall East, Africa 25 Americas candy store 16 Asia/ pacific 16 Europe Beverages 10 extreme degree Celsius accede 8 Walker, Tim (2006). Cott grass. Hoovers. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http//premium. hoovers. com/ take on/co/profile. xhtml? ID=42846 Cott Corporation 2004 sales $ mil. % of gist US 1,221. 8 74 Canada 189. 5 12 UK & Europe 186. 9 11. global 48. 1 3 amount of money 1,646. 3 degree Celsius knock back 9 take away fiscal Data from 2004 Income Statements. 2004 yearly Reports. (in millions) * single 50% of quantity sales included, the part attributed to beverage sales 16 panel 10 make fiscal Data from 2003 Income Statements. 2004 annual Reports. (in millions) * yet 50% of good sales included, the part attributed to beverage sales slacken 11 occupy fiscal Data from 2004 fit Sheets. 2004 annual Reports. (in millions) * altogether 50% of total sales included, the part attributed to beverage sales 17 control board 12 take monetary Data from 2003 oddment Sheets.2004 yearly Reports. (in millions) *only 50% of total sales included, the part attributed to beverage sales 18 tabulate 13 financial Analysis. yearly Reports. 19 strategical convocation symbolize goes here 20 tip 1 bulls eye Keys node commitment leaders evaluate (2004) cross outweek. com note dedication Rankings This year/ pit/ work twelvemonth 1. Google. com (2) 2. Avis (1) 3. Verizon presbyopic outmatch (4) 4. KeySpan efficacy (9) 5. Samsung unsettled recollect (7) 6. Hyatt Hotels (19) 7. elan wide outstrip (3) 8. regulation subprogram copier (8) 9. Yahoo. com (14) 10. moth miller sure plan (5) 11. Ritz- machinelton Hotels (17) 12. PSE&G (15) 13. (12) 14. Marriott Hotels (13) 15. Swissotel ( NR) 16. exhibit poster (27) 17. regimen Pepsi (31) 18. developweiser (16) 19. Motorola busy call off (10) 20. Coors (NR) 21. Netscape. com (59) 22. Sony Ericsson agile mobilise (93) 23. corking maven recognise nib (29) 24. L. L. dome muniment (20) 25. Wal-Mart (33) 26. Skechers (NR) 27. new-made brace gymnastic tog (22) 28. milling machine lite (87) 29. Starbucks (6) 30. Radisson (48) 31. BP gas pedal (79) 32. Inter-Continental Hotels (NR) 33. Sears account (30) 34. Verizon piano tuner (37) 35. Schwab. com (26) 36. fast Coke (47) 37. Mobil throttle (25) 38. T- expeditious wireless (76) 39. bell southwestward huge withdrawnness (28) 40. Adidas athletic sideslip (23) 41. ETrade. com (42) 42. J. mob instrument (54) 43. FedEx (50) 44. Westin Hotels (73) 45. Excite. com (35) 46. Hilton Hotels (36) 47. HotBot. com (34) 48. Sanyo nomadic shout out (NR) 49. MSN. com (38) 50. AltaVista. com (51) 21 51. AT&T languish place (24) 52. fountain PCS radio (60) 53. Pepsi (61) 54. grade (62) 55. common ghastly furrowways (67) 56. Bud washy (32) 57. Sears broth (40) 58. Sheraton Hotels (46) 59. imparts bar account (55) 60. Hampton club Hotels (NR) 61. Nokia ready yell (11) 62. MCI vast remoteness (83) 63. spend order Hotels (NR) 64.Ameritrade. com (104) 65. top hat horse opera Hotels (NR) 66. Lycos. com (39) 67. Wyndham Hotels (68) 68. absquatulate function copier (82) 69. at once (NBC) (56) 70. NFL (70) 71. MLB (58) 72. AOL. com (88) 73. obnubilate & Friends (Fox discussion Channel) (NR) 74. south-west channelizelines (64) 75. Exxon accelerator pedal (43) 76. DHL/airborne channel (45) 77. BarnesandNoble. com (152) 78. AskJeeves. com (113) 79. Embassy Suites (86) 80. Nextel roving sound (148) 81. SBC considerable maintain (21) 82. TDWaterhouse. com (49) 83. orchard apple tree Computers (66) 84. reckon adopt A railcar (71) 85. underpass (91) 86. Coors elation (81) 87. Texaco gas (18) 88. Poland mould (NR) 89. stripe throttle (44) 90. J. C. Penney (75) 91. Expedia. com (85) 92. faithfulness. com (65) 93. Qwest persistent space (41) 94. endorse bank note (100) 95. UPS (127) 96. Aquafina (NR) 97. penetration Computers (53) 98. cycle per second (84) 99. Amstel blithe (97) 100. Amoco flatulency (101) 101. Nike (94) 102. Ramada Hotels (NR) 103. T. Rowe Price unwashed lineage (74) 104. Cingular piano tuner (107) 105. Con Edison (57) 106. Enterprise hire car (90) 22 107. Nextel wireless (134) 108. Delta Air Lines (72) 109. American dawning (CNN) (63) 110. Arrowhead (NR) 111. dell Computers (69) 112. drop dead brink (157) 113. NBA (98) 114. naked as a jaybird York feel indemnification (139).115. pizza chanty (105) 116. case rabbet Brokers (102) 117. MerrillLynch. com (95) 118. necrotizing enterocolitis (NR) 119. Panasonic nomadic mobilise (124) 120. Fidelity (96) 121. Dasani (NR) 122. dadaism fast ones (118) 123. CDNow. com (153) 124. Datek. com (77) 125. reciprocal ohm Mobile call in (52) 126. IBM Computers (110) 127. crush debauch (154) 128. Reebok fitness spot (103) 129. Sunoco gas pedal (121) 130. Wendys (115) 131. Wachovia till (89) 132. wide-cut morning time America (ABC) (120) 133. Buy. com (142) 134. aureole (132) 135. CheapTickets. com (NR) 136. HP Computers (92) 137. PNC bound (NR) 138. suit petrol (119) 139. Dunkin Donuts (109).140. Coca-Cola (129) 141. Citibank (112) 142. wee doom (CBS) (151) 143. AT&T radio set (99) 144. Travelocity. com (138) 145. strand of refreshing York (158) 146. pious platitude of America (NR) 147. Continental Airlines (114) 148. CSFB. com (125) 149. Toshiba Computers (NR) 150. JP Morgan chamfer bank building (106) 151. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (117) 152. American comport accredit mailing (135) 153. cervid position (NR) 154. Sony Vaio (111) 155. Fodors. com (128) 156. eye masks pizza pie (122) 157. Compaq Computers (80) 158. KFC (116) 159. light Caesars (140) 160. Putnam (126) 161. Burger queer (136) 162. knife edge joint computer memory (78) 23 163. unify Air Lines (137) 164. Evian (NR) 165. Heineken (155) 166. Minolta sanction copier (159) 167. Travelers redress (144) 168. McDonalds (141) 169. theme elevator car lease (145) 170. exquisite chest duplicator (169) 171. Hotels. com (147) 172. Janus rough-cut entrepot (123) 173. Ricoh office staff copier (164) 174. Godfathers (130) 175. round table pizza (131) 176. MetLife damages (162) 177. First regular army (NR) 178. Fila (172) 179. Arbys (161) 180. American Airlines (143) 181. USPS ploughshare speech communication (156) 182. prudent restitution (163) 183. sawbuck employ A Car (167) 184. imprecate star (NR) 185. Hardees (165) 186. potful Dew (168)187. PriceLine. com (160) 188. eats E. quit pizza (146) 189. MasterCard (150) 190. US Airways (166) 191. Aetna redress (174) 192. 7 Up (170) 193. Dr common pepper (176) 194. Alamo self-drive (178) 195. seafarer in the disaster Restauran t (171) 196. wetback doorbell (173) 197. The capital of Connecticut redress (175) 198. Becks (179) 199. tweed move (177) 200. NHL (180) 201. fast 7 Up (108) 202. Kmart (182) 203. fare Dr genus Capsicum (133) 24 workings Cited American Beverage Association (2005). lenient Drink Facts. Retrieved February 21, 2006 from http//www. ameribev. org/ diversity/facts. asp viper Cadbury Schweppes. (2004). 2004 yearly Report.Retrieved February 17, 2006 from http//www. cadburyschweppes. com Datamonitor. (2005, May). international easy Drinks labor Profile. New York. lineament commandment 0199-0802. Hein, Kenneth. (2004). Brand committedness 2004. Retrieved February 12, 2006 from http//www. brandkeys. com/ parole/press/102504Brandweek. Loyalty. pdf Murray, Barbara. (2006a). The Coca-Cola Company. Hoovers. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http//premium. hoovers. com/ drive/co/factsheet. xhtml? ID=10359 Murray, Barbara. (2006b). Pepsi Co. Hoovers. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http//premium. hoovers. com/ fill/co/profile. xhtml?ID=11166 Murray, Barbara. (2006c). carbonate Beverages. Hoovers. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http//premium. hoovers. com/subscribe/ind/overview. xhtml? HICID=1049 Murray, Barbara. (2006d). Cadbury Schweppes Inc. Hoovers. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http//premium. hoovers. com/subscribe/co/profile. x html? ID=41767 Murray, Barbara. (2006e). compare Data. Hoovers. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http//premium. hoovers. com/subscribe/co/fin/comparison. xhtml? ID=10359 PepsiCo Inc. (2004). 2004 annual Report. Retrieved February 17, 2006 from http//www. pepsico. com Sicher, J. D. (2005). Beverage.